Bangga Fitriyanda Umar1, Khalda2,
Silvina Sintianti3, Shinta
“Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon,
“[email protected]1, [email protected]2,
[email protected]3, [email protected]4
Traffic congestion
is a persistent global issue, particularly in densely populated cities like
Bandung, Indonesia. The construction of an underpass offers a potential
solution to reduce congestion at high-density intersections, such as the Cibiru
Roundabout, which connects JL. Soekarno-Hatta, JL. Cibiru, and JL. A.H
Nasution. This research analyzes traffic performance and assesses the
feasibility of implementing an underpass at this location. A quantitative
descriptive research method was used, with data collected through field
measurements of vehicle volume and speed. The analysis followed the Indonesian
Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI) 2023 to evaluate capacity, degree of
saturation, and service level. Using PTV VISSIM software, simulations were
conducted to project traffic conditions over the next ten years, considering a
5% annual growth rate. Results indicate significant congestion, with service
levels reaching "F" across various segments. Simulation outcomes
suggest that an underpass would improve traffic flow by increasing capacity,
reducing delays, and shortening queues. This study provides a valuable
reference for urban planners seeking effective interventions in other cities
facing similar traffic challenges.
Keywords: roundabout,
PKJI 2023, ptv vissim, underpass.
Corresponding Author: Shinta Novriani
E-mail: [email protected]
Traffic congestion is
still unresolved worldwide, especially in every country with big cities
Interestingly, after
Jakarta and Surabaya, Bandung has the second-highest population in Indonesia.
Data from the Central Agency Statistics (BPS) in 2023 shows that the city of
Bandung has a population of 2,469,589
The Cibiru Roundabout is
a circular intersection used as a substitute for traffic lights or stop signs
to regulate the traffic flow that connects the city of Bandung with Bandung
PTV VISSIM is a program for
reviewing simulation results by entering geometric and vehicle data, as well as
other elements to be visualized in the form of animations or outputs to review traffic
congestion remains a critical issue in urban centers worldwide, particularly in
densely populated cities like Bandung, Indonesia. Research, such as Harwidyo
study uniquely focuses on the Cibiru Roundabout to assess the feasibility of an
underpass and provides simulations projecting traffic conditions over the next
decade. By addressing the congestion challenges specific to this location, this
research adds to the existing body of knowledge. It offers a model that could apply
to other high-density intersections. The findings will guide urban planners and
policymakers in making data-driven decisions for Bandung and similar urban
recent years, urban areas worldwide, especially in densely populated cities,
have grappled with significant traffic congestion issues. Previous studies have
highlighted various strategies to alleviate congestion. For example, a study by
Harwidyo (2022) analyzed the impact of underpass implementation on reducing
traffic delays in Jakarta, demonstrating that underpasses can improve traffic
flow and decrease congestion. Similarly, research by Andika (2021) focused on
roundabouts in other major Indonesian cities, showing how traffic
infrastructure improvements, such as underpasses and bypasses, effectively
reduce saturation levels and improve road service quality.
limited research has citly on the unique traffic conditions at the Cibiru
Roundabout in Bandung, a crucial intersection connecting several major roads.
Given Bandung's rapidly growing population and economic activities,
understanding the impact of an underpass at this location is essential for
improving local traffic management. This study addresses this gap by analyzing
the potential benefits of implementing an underpass at the Cibiru Roundabout,
providing insights that could support similar projects in other urban settings.
study employs a quantitative descriptive research design to evaluate traffic
performance at the Cibiru Roundabout in Bandung, Indonesia. The research aims
to assess the current traffic conditions and simulate the potential impact of
implementing an underpass to reduce congestion. Data was collected through
field observations and measurements, focusing on vehicle volume, speed, and
traffic patterns. Data was gathered over a specific time frame to ensure
accuracy and reliability, capturing peak traffic hours to understand congestion
levels thoroughly
Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI) 2023 served as the primary framework
for analyzing traffic performance, including metrics such as capacity, degree
of saturation, and level of service at the roundabout. PTV VISSIM software was
used for traffic simulation, allowing researchers to project traffic conditions
with and without an underpass over a ten-year period, assuming a 5% annual
growth rate in vehicle numbers. This simulation provided insights into how the
underpass might improve traffic flow, reduce delays, and minimize queue lengths
in the future.
Primary and secondary data management uses the 2023 PKJI
reference, resulting in traffic
performance outputs that are used as study material for recommendations to be
applied to the Cibiru Bandung roundabout. The location of this research
was the Cibiru Roundabout, Bandung City. Primary data is obtained through a
traffic survey. The observation is carried out for 11 hours in the morning from
06.00 – 10.00 WIB, afternoon from 11.00 – 14.00 WIB, and afternoon from 16.00 –
19.00 WIB, with the provision that it is taken at one peak hour.
Source: Analysis, 2024
In this study, the 2023 Indonesian Road Capacity
Guidelines are guidelines used to analyze the performance of the Cibiru
1. Vehicle Volume
The data used refers to one busy hour throughout the 11-hour
study. The data entered in the modeling are road geometry, traffic volume data,
driving behavior data, and existing conditions. The secondary data used are
aerial photos from Google Earth and Bing maps in the VISSIM system.
2. Capacity Calculation (C)
C = C0 x FUK x FRSU
3. Degree of Saturation
DJ = q / C
4. Delay
Traffic Delay of
Roundabout Interwoven Section
Dj > 0,60: TR =
Dj ≤ 0,60 : TR = 2 + 2,68982
x Dj - (1-Dj) x 2
Roundabout Traffic Delay
Roundabout Delay
T = TLL + TG
5. Queue Opportunities
Limit : Pa = 26,55 x DJ - 55,55 x DJ2
+ 108,57 x DJ3
Limit : Pa = 9,415 x DJ + 29,967 x DJ
Roundabout Geometric
The geometry of the Cibiru Roundabout is the size of the width of the road
at the Roundabout, including the road to enter and exit the Roundabout. The
geometric data obtained from the results of direct surveys in the field can be
seen in Table 1.
1. Geometric Roundabout"
Direction |
Entry Width (m) |
Braid Width (m) |
Length of braid
(m) |
W1 |
W2 |
“JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno-Hatta” |
16 |
9 |
38 |
38 |
“JL. Soekarno-Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution” |
16 |
12 |
21 |
15 |
“JL. A.H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
10.5 |
8 |
35,5 |
15 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
Traffic Flow Volume Analysis”
Traffic flow is the volume of motor vehicles passing through
a section of a road with vehicle units in an hour (Vehicle/hour) or passenger
car units in an hour (Skr/hour)
a. Motorbike (SM)
b. A Passenger Car (MP),
Transportation included in MP is
ordinary cars, public transportation, and pick-ups.
c. Medium Vehicle (KS),
Transportation included in KS is a
regular Bus and Regular Truck
d. Big Bus (BB),
e. Large Trucks (TB) and
Transportation included in TB is Tronton and
Table 2. Vehicle
Times |
Volume |
Vehicle/hour |
Skr/hour |
“JL.Cibiru - JL.Soekarno Hatta” |
Morning |
7656 |
4376,4 |
Afternoon |
10703 |
5646 |
Evening |
11182 |
5930,4 |
“JL.Soekarno Hatta - JL.A.H Nasution” |
Morning |
8463 |
4798,6 |
Afternoon |
10121 |
5543 |
Evening |
11378 |
6077,3 |
“JL.A.H Nasution
- JL.Cibiru” |
Morning |
7553 |
4139,3 |
Afternoon |
8402 |
4548,2 |
Evening |
9291 |
5000,7 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
Traffic Characteristics
Traffic characteristics
analysis is research conducted to understand and identify vehicle movement
characteristics on the road. By being guided by the PKJI 2023, the value of
capacity, degree of saturation, and level of road service are obtained
a. Capacity
Table 3. Capacity
Approach |
Times |
C0“ (Skr/hour) |
C (Skr/hour) |
“JL. Cibiru - JL.Soekarno
Hatta” |
Morning |
5831,56 |
1 |
0,92 |
5339,7 |
Afternoon |
5827,15 |
1 |
0,91 |
5315,49 |
Evening |
5827,06 |
1 |
0,92 |
5334,32 |
“JL.Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution” |
Morning |
4037,37 |
1 |
0,92 |
3696,84 |
Afternoon |
4032,32 |
1 |
0,91 |
3678,26 |
Evening |
4038,71 |
1 |
0,92 |
3697,19 |
“JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning |
4534,64 |
1 |
0,92 |
4152,17 |
Afternoon |
4531,57 |
1 |
0,91 |
4133,68 |
Evening |
4533,39 |
1 |
0,92 |
4150,04 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
The highest capacity
occurs in the morning on the approach of JL. Cibiru – JL. Soekarno Hatta is C =
5339,7 Skr/hour. During the day, it is found in the approach part of JL. Cibiru
– JL. Soekarno Hatta is C = 5315,49 Skr/hour, and in the afternoon, it is found
in the approach section of JL. Cibiru – JL. Soekarno Hatta is C =5334,32 Skr/hour.
b. Degree of saturation
“Table 4. Degree of Saturation"
Approach |
Times |
q (Skr/hour) |
C (Skr/hour) |
DJ (Skr/hour) |
“JL. Cibiru - JL.Soekarno
Hatta” |
Morning |
4376,4 |
5339,7 |
0,82 |
D |
Afternoon |
5646 |
5315,49 |
1,06 |
F |
Evening |
5930,4 |
5334,32 |
1,11 |
F |
“JL.Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution” |
Morning |
4798,6 |
3696,84 |
1,30 |
F |
Afternoon |
5543 |
3678,26 |
1,51 |
F |
Evening |
6077,3 |
3697,19 |
1,64 |
F |
“JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning |
4139,3 |
4152,17 |
1,00 |
E |
Afternoon |
4548,2 |
4133,68 |
1,10 |
F |
Evening |
5000,7 |
4150,04 |
1,20 |
F |
Source: Analysis, 2024
c. Delay
Table 5.
Approach |
Times |
TR (Sec/skr) |
TLL (Sec/skr) |
T (Sec/skr) |
“JL. Cibiru - JL.Soekarno
Hatta” |
Morning Afternoon Evening |
16,1 |
5,29 |
9,29 |
16,5 |
5,91 |
9,91 |
16,5 |
5,77 |
9,77 |
“JL.Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution” |
Morning Afternoon Evening |
16,8 |
6,06 |
10,059 |
17,1 |
6,03 |
10,03 |
17,3 |
6,19 |
10,19 |
“JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning Afternoon Evening |
16,4 |
5,09 |
9,09 |
16,5 |
4,77 |
8,77 |
16,7 |
4,90 |
8,90 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
From the table above, it can be
concluded that there is a delay in the JL approach. JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno
Hatta got a value of T = 9,29 – 9,77 Sec/skr. As well as the approach part of
JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution got a value of T = 10,03 – 10,19 Sec/skr,
and JL. A.H Nasution - JL. Cibiru in got a value of T = 8,77 – 9,09 Sec/skr.
Table 6. Queue Opportunities
Approach |
Times |
Upper Limit (Qp%) |
Lower Limit (Qp%) |
Cibiru - JL. Soekarno Hatta |
Morning |
44.22 |
19.67 |
Afternoon |
95.64 |
49.60 |
Evening |
110.04 |
59.35 |
Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution |
Morning |
178.31 |
112.20 |
Afternoon |
285.41 |
213.39 |
Evening |
375.75 |
313.06 |
A.H Nasution - JL. Cibiru |
Morning |
78.83 |
38.93 |
Afternoon |
106.58 |
56.95 |
Evening |
141.29 |
82.25 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
d. Queues Opportunities
From the table above, it can be concluded that the queue
opportunity in the approach. JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno Hatta got an upper limit
value of 44,22% - 110,04%, a lower limit value of 19,67% - 59,35%, as well as
the approach part of JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution got an upper limit
value of 178,31% - 375,75%, a lower limit value of 112,20% - 313,06%, and JL.
A.H Nasution - JL. Cibiru got an upper limit value of 78,83% - 141,29% and a
lower limit value of 38,93% - 82,25%.
Analysis Existing”
The existing analysis aims to observe the behavior and output of the VISSIM program and
compare it with alternatives. The results of the existing analysis presented include
the values of volume, speed, delay, and queue length. The use of the VISSIM
program in the existing analysis needs to be calibrated and validated. The
calibration results in the VISSIM program are shown in the following table
7. Calibration Values Used in VISSIM”
Type Driving Behaviour” |
“Parameter Driving Behaviour” |
Value |
Default VISSIM” |
“Adjustment Calibration” |
Car following |
“Average standsill distance” |
2 m |
0,45 m |
“Additive part of safety distance” |
2 m |
0,45 m |
“Multiplicative part of safety distance” |
“3 m” |
1 m |
Lateral |
“Desired position at free flow” |
“Middle of lane” |
Any |
“Distance standing” |
“1 m” |
0,2 m |
“Distance driving” |
1 m |
0,5 m |
Source: Analysis, 2024
adjustment, the table shows
that there are differences in rider characteristics, which are presented by
VISSIM by default and after
calibration. Driving behavior is
an adjustment to the characteristics of drivers in Indonesia. With these
characteristic data, the results obtained are in accordance with the actual
situation in the field. A regression test is required to present the validation
value after the calibration
Conditions Before Calibration"
Condition After Calibration"
software outputs the values of the vehicle queue's volume, speed, delay, and
length, displayed in the following table.
8. Volume Comparison Between Existing, Vissim, and Projection Underpass
Alternatives After 10 Years
Approach |
Times |
Roundabout (Vehicle/hour) |
Result Running
Vissim (Vehicle/hour) |
Result Running
Vissim With Underpass (Vehicle/hour) |
Result Running
Vissim With Underpass After 10 Years (Vehicle/hour) |
“JL. Cibiru - JL.Soekarno
Hatta” |
Morning |
7656 |
7680 |
7820 |
11442 |
Afternoon |
10703 |
10000 |
10860 |
15889 |
Evening |
11182 |
9360 |
10160 |
14865 |
“JL.Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution” |
Morning |
8463 |
9540 |
920 |
1346 |
Afternoon |
10121 |
11320 |
3600 |
5267 |
Evening |
11378 |
10380 |
600 |
968 |
“JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning |
7553 |
6620 |
8140 |
11910 |
Afternoon |
8402 |
7780 |
10920 |
15977 |
Evening |
9291 |
6600 |
7960 |
11646 |
Underpass |
Morning |
- |
- |
10340 |
15129 |
Afternoon |
- |
- |
8040 |
11763 |
Evening |
- |
- |
15680 |
22949 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
from the table above, the
highest volume of vehicles in the existing data of the Cibiru roundabout is
11,378 Vehicles/hour from the direction of JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H
Nasution in the afternoon. The highest volume of vissim running output is 11,320 Vehicles/hour from the
direction of JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution during the day. The highest
volume of running vissim output
with Underpass was 15,680 Vehicles/hour from the direction of Underpass in the
afternoon. The highest 10-year
projected output volume of the Underpass running output is 22,949 Vehicles/hour
from the direction of the Underpass in the afternoon.
Comparison Between Existing, Vissim, and Projection Underpass Alternatives
After 10 Years
Source: Analysis, 2024
9. Speed Comparison Between Existing, Vissim, Existing Underpass, and
Projection Underpass Alternatives After 10 Years
Approach |
Times |
Speed Existing (Km/hour) |
Result Running
Vissim (Km/hour) |
Result Running
Vissim with Underpass (Vehicle/hour) |
Result Running
Vissim With Underpass After 10 Years (Vehicle/hour) |
“JL. Cibiru - JL.Soekarno
Hatta” |
Morning |
17 |
17,57 |
28,7 |
21,4 |
Afternoon |
14,5 |
20,6 |
33 |
32,7 |
Evening |
10,8 |
19 |
33,4 |
31,2 |
“JL.Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution” |
Morning |
15 |
15,7 |
32,1 |
23,4 |
Afternoon |
12,3 |
17,6 |
35,9 |
23,6 |
Evening |
10 |
16 |
38 |
34,1 |
“JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning |
16,3 |
14 |
27,6 |
19 |
Afternoon |
13,2 |
16,9 |
30,9 |
28,6 |
Evening |
11,5 |
15,7 |
31,4 |
30,1 |
Underpass |
Morning |
- |
- |
18,8 |
15 |
Afternoon |
- |
- |
28 |
20,6 |
Evening |
- |
- |
21,1 |
20 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
from the table above, the
highest vehicle speed in existing conditions is 17 km/h from the direction of
JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno Hatta, in the morning, the highest vehicle speed due
to running vissim was 20,6 km/hour
from the direction of JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno Hatta, the highest vehicle
speed after the addition of the Underpass, is 38 Km/hour from the direction of JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution and the highest vehicle speed from the output of the 10-year projected Underpass is 34,1 Km/hour. The
decline in top speed is caused by traffic density increasing over time from
year to year.
Comparison Between Existing, Vissim, Existing Underpass, and Projection
Underpass. Alternatives After 10 Years
Source: Analysis, 2024
Table 10. Delay
Comparison Between Vissim, Underpass, and Projection Underpass Alternatives
After 10 Years
Approach |
Times |
Delay Existing (Second) |
Result Delay
Running Vissim (Second) |
Result Delay Running
Vissim With Underpass (Second) |
Result Delay Running
Vissim With Underpass After 10 Years (Second) |
“JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno Hatta” |
Morning |
9,29 |
15,13 |
12,61 |
24 |
Afternoon |
9,91 |
16,14 |
10,78 |
20,03 |
Evening |
9,77 |
15,91 |
7,6 |
21,6 |
“JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H
Nasution” |
Morning |
10,1 |
16,45 |
12,21 |
13,59 |
Afternoon |
10,03 |
16,34 |
5,88 |
13,5 |
Evening |
10,19 |
16,6 |
9,27 |
18,69 |
“JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning |
9,09 |
14,81 |
13,1 |
15,43 |
Afternoon |
8,77 |
14,29 |
12,78 |
14,28 |
Evening |
8,9 |
14,5 |
8,8 |
20,8 |
Underpass |
Morning |
- |
- |
16 |
20 |
Afternoon |
- |
- |
10,38 |
16,58 |
Evening |
- |
- |
17,11 |
21,61 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
from the table above, the
highest delay result of the output of the vissim is 16,45 Seconds from the
direction of JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H Nasution. The speed of the vissim
delay with the highest Underpass was 17,11 Seconds from the direction of the
Underpass. The highest speed on the vissim projection after ten years is 21,61 Seconds
from the direction of the Underpass.
Comparison Between Vissim, Underpass, and 10-Year Projection Underpass
Source: Analysis, 2024
Table 3.8 Comparison
of Queue Length Between Vissim, Underpass, and Projection Underpass
Alternatives After 10 Years
Approach |
Times |
Opportunities Roundabouts (%) |
Vissim Queue Running
Results (meter) |
Results of
Running Vissim Queue with Underpass (meter) |
Results of
Running the Vissim Queue with Underpass after 10 years (meter) |
JL. Cibiru - JL. Soekarno Hatta” |
Morning |
19,67% |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Afternoon |
49,6% |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Evening |
59,35% |
0 |
0 |
0 |
JL. Soekarno Hatta - JL. A.H
Nasution” |
Morning |
112,2% |
327 |
0 |
0 |
Afternoon |
213% |
347,2 |
0 |
1 |
Evening |
313% |
443,66 |
0 |
0 |
JL. A .H Nasution - JL. Cibiru” |
Morning |
38,93% |
54 |
0 |
47 |
Afternoon |
56,9% |
95,35 |
0 |
1 |
Evening |
82,25% |
89,28 |
0 |
0 |
Underpass |
Morning |
- |
- |
24,55 |
92,5 |
Afternoon |
- |
- |
0 |
0 |
Evening |
- |
- |
9 |
14,6 |
Source: Analysis, 2024
from the table above, the
highest queue result from the result
running vissim was 443,66 meters in the afternoon from the direction of
JL. Soekarno Hatta – JL. A.H Nasution. The condition of the highest queue
result from the result of running
vissim after adding the Underpass is 24,55 meters in the morning from the
direction of the Underpass, the highest
queue result from the result of running
vissim after adding the 10-year projection Underpass is 92,5 meters in the
morning from the direction of the Underpass. Queue from the direction of JL.
Soekarno Hatta – JL. A.H Nasution can be overcome because part of the vehicle
volume is allocated through the Underpass;
the increase in queues from the direction of the Underpass in the
10-year projection is in line with the increase in traffic growth at the Cibiru
roundabout in Bandung city.
Length Comparison Between Vissim, Underpass, and 10-Year Projection Underpass
Source: Analysis, 2024
The following is a view of the traffic
flow state after the VISSIM program for the Underpass alternative was simulated.
Condition Visible Above Underpass
Visible Underpass Condition
The performance of the Cibiru
Bandung roundabout is currently poor due to excessive vehicle volume, which is passing
its capacity and causing significant congestion. Data shows that the roundabout
handles 84,749 vehicles daily with an average speed of 13.4 km/h, an average
delay of 9.6 seconds, and a congestion probability reaching 105%. The degree of
saturation is 1.64, with a service level of F, indicating frequent congestion
and long queues. To address this, an Underpass was proposed as a solution, and
the simulation results showed improved traffic flow. With the Underpass, the
vehicle volume increased to 95,040 vehicles per day, the average speed rose to
30 km/h, and the delay was reduced to 11 seconds, resulting in an average queue
of 3 meters and a service level of B, meaning stable traffic flow with some
speed restrictions. For a 10-year projection, traffic volume is expected to
rise to 139,151 vehicles per day, with an average speed of 25 km/h, an average
delay of 18 seconds, and an average queue of 13.1 meters, resulting in a
service level of C, indicating a stable but limited flow due to high traffic
volume. Overall, the Underpass from JL was implemented—Soekarno to JL. Cibiru
can significantly increase traffic volume and reduce congestion. However,
further research is needed due to time constraints, and future studies should
explore alternative solutions such as toll roads or an Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)
system to address congestion. The researcher also suggests developing this
study with a new method to obtain more accurate and comprehensive data for
better traffic management solutions.
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