Yayan Al Fatah1, Ainur
Rofiq2, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati3
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
[email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3
study aims to analyze the role of customer satisfaction in mediating the effect
of trust and perceived value on reuse intention. This type of research is
explanatory research. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 120
respondents and was analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). Based on the
research results, it says that trust affects reuse intention and customer
satisfaction, perceived value influences reuse intention and customer
satisfaction, customer satisfaction affects reuse intention, and customer
satisfaction mediates the effect of trust and perceived value on reuse
intention. Customer satisfaction acts as a partial mediating variable. Trust
and perceived value influence user intentions to reuse the application.
Therefore, LinkAja application management must pay attention to and build trust
and perceived value to strengthen user intentions to use the application again.
So, it is important to pay attention to customer satisfaction and act as an
important mediator in the relationship between trust and perceived value with
the intention of reuse.
Keywords: trust,
perceived value, customer satisfaction, reuse intention.
Corresponding Author: Yayan
Al Fatah
E-mail: [email protected]
The current development of
digital technology has penetrated various business sectors; one of the
developments in digital technology currently being developed is in the
financial sector, which is transforming into financial technology or financial
technology (Fintech) (Pratiwi
& Dermawan, 2021). With these developments, the
Governor of Bank Indonesia Agus DW Martowardjoyo promoted the National Non-Cash
Movement (GNNT) program on August 14, 2014 (Pratiwi
& Dermawan, 2021). This movement is an update of
Government Regulation 82 of 2012 concerning implementing Electronic Systems and
Transactions in Digital Financial Services. Since then, the development of the
world of financial technology in Indonesia has begun to grow rapidly, as can be
seen from the increase in the number of transactions and nominal transactions
each year.
Fintech is a combination of
financial services and technology (from a conventional business model to a
modern business) that emerges along with fast-paced changes in people's lifestyles
that can be done remotely in just a few seconds (Safira
& Rahmanto, 2022). A digital wallet (E-wallet) is a form of Fintech
that utilizes internet media and is an alternative payment method (Renduchintala et al.,
2022). Digital wallets (E-wallets) offer more convenience
with the latest technology that can be accessed by everyone throughout the
country. Digital wallets offer more practical, safe, fast, and profitable
aspects because they are considered safer to use, and one of the digital
wallets that areIndonesian people, namely LinkAja, often use.
LinkAja is one of the mobile payments that has led the
market in Indonesia for several years. However, it does not make LinkAja the
reigning champion of mobile payments with the most users in Indonesia. Digital wallet (E-wallet)
users in Indonesia can be seen in Figure 1. below.
Figure 1. E-wallet Users
Based on the figure, ShopeePay occupies the top
position on the list of digital wallets, with the most useful among
respondents. ShopeePay has the highest market penetration of 68%, followed by
OVO at 62%, DANA at 54%, GoPay at 53%, and LinkAja at 23%. Whereas in terms of
promotions, respondents said that ShopeePay offers the most promotions 42%,
followed by OVO 25%, GoPay 16%, DANA 13%, LinkAja 4% and in terms of
transactions, ShopeePay still gets the highest transactions 29%, followed by
OVO 25%, GoPay 21%, DANA 20%, and LinkAja 6%. However, LinkAja users continue
to increase every year. Moreover, LinkAja is currently working with PT KAI
through KAI Access. This application aims to make it easier for prospective
passengers to make ticket reservations online and get train tickets and get the
latest information from PT. KAI.
The phenomenon that LinkAja
faces is that it needs to be more popular and in demand by the public.
Additionally, LinkAja needs more popularity than other digital payment
applications; moreover, there are user complaints about the LinkAja digital
wallet, which indicates low interest in using the LinkAja digital wallet and
its antecedents. This situation is very likely caused by the low subjective
norms of users, which, if left unchecked, will affect the emergence of negative
attitudes and the low perception of security among users. On the other hand,
behavioural intention refers to the extent to which an individual is ready to
behave and carry out the expected behaviour (Sripalawat et al., 2011).
The use of information
technology at the individual level was studied by examining the role of intention
as a predictor of behaviour. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), developed
by Davis in 1989, describes the behaviour of using Information Technology (IT).
TAM is an adaptation of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and states that
behavioural intention to use technology is directly determined by 2 (two)
beliefs, namely benefits and ease of use. The intention to reuse (reuse
intention) arises when the customer is quite satisfied with the previous
experience, which allows them to return and reuse (Tun, 2020). Reuse intention is a
behavioural tendency to reuse services offered repeatedly within a certain
period and have a positive attitude towards these services based on past buying
experience (Saraswathi & Wardana, 2021). Reuse intention is formed
from trust and perceived value.
Trust is the foundation of
business and is considered an important factor in facilitating exchange
relationships characterized by uncertainty, vulnerability, dependence, and fear
of opportunism (Malhotra et al., 2017). Trust cannot simply be
acknowledged by other parties or business partners but must be built from
scratch and can be proven (Wong, 2017). Trust involves a person's
willingness to behave in a certain way because of the belief that a partner
will provide the satisfaction he expects and a hope that someone generally has
that promises or other people's statements can be trusted (Mawey et al., 2018).
Trust is described as a psychological
state that motivates a person to accept unforeseen consequences and is
specifically based on favourable expectations regarding the intentions and
behaviour of other parties at a high level of trust. Customers may not care
much about unwanted future behaviour. Because a high level of trust tends to
increase a customer's willingness to accept vulnerability by forming a reuse
intention) (Malhotra et al., 2017). His research found that trust
significantly positively affects the intention to reuse. This research
contrasts (Ladkoom & Thanasopon, 2020), finding that trust does not
affect reuse intention.
The reusing intention is not
enough to use trust but also to pay attention to perceived value. Perceived
value is the ratio between a product's perceived benefits (or quality) and the
perceived monetary and non-monetary sacrifices required to obtain it. Perceived
value is consumers' perception and emotion towards products and prices. In
contrast, the perceived value depends on subjective and individualistic
judgments (Huang & Yuan, 2015). Perceived value generally
involves exchanges between what customers receive and what they give to get
services (Fatoni, 2020). Perceived value is a factor
that influences reuse intention using the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ladkoom & Thanasopon, 2020). Research conducted found
that perceived value significantly positively affects reuse intention (by Anshori et al., 2022). This research contrasts
research (Lianto, 2018) that perceived value does not
affect repurchase intention.
Some research results regarding trust and
perceived value for reuse intention still contain gaps which are briefly
presented in Table 1. below.
Table 1. GAP Research
Issues |
Study |
Gaps Results |
influence trust to reuse intention |
Malhotra et al. (2017);
sustainable (2020); Nahdita et al. (2020); Prasetya & Sukaatmadja (2021); Bi & Raka (2022); Prayudi
et al. (2022) |
Influential significant |
et al. (2015); Ladkoom & Thanasopon
(2020); Tun, (2020); Anshori et al. (2022) |
No Influential |
Contradictory influence perceived value to reuse intention |
Adriani & Warika (2019);
Anshori et al. (2022) |
Influential �significant |
(2018) |
No Influential |
Based on the above, there needs to be more
consistency (research gap) in the variable research trust on reuse intention
results. Research results (Malhotra et al., 2017); (Prayudi et al., 2022) found that trust significantly
positively affects the intention to reuse. Research (Lestari, 2020) states that trust
significantly positively affects the intention to reuse. Research (by Narahdita et al., 2020); (Dwi & Raka, 2022) concluded that trust
significantly positively affects reuse intention. This research contrasts found
that trust does not affect the intention to reuse Piriyakul et al., 2015). Research concluded that
trust has no effect on reuse intention (Ladkoom & Thanasopon, 2020); (Anshori et al., 2022).
The table above also shows the
inconsistent results of the perceived value variable research on reuse
intention. The study's results concluded that perceived value significantly
positively affects the intention to reuse (Adriani & Warmika, 2019). Research states that perceived
value significantly positively affects reuse intention (Anshori et al., 2022). This research contradicts the conclusion
that perceived value does not affect repurchase intention (Lianto, 2018).
The research gap is in the
form of inconsistencies found in previous studies. To answer the gap (research
gap), the authors added a customer satisfaction variable as a mediating
variable because customer satisfaction is one of the factors that can influence
consumer behaviour to make repurchases later, which will come. Customer
satisfaction arises from expectations while expectations are generated from
past experiences, WOM, or searching for information/data. Expectations cause
pre-purchase satisfaction, while confirmation/disconfirmation is the cause of
satisfaction when purchasing or using the services offered. Suppose the buyer
(LinkAja user) does not expect or has little hope but produces something above
expectations. In that case, the buyer (LinkAja user) will generate
satisfaction, leading to the transaction's reuse. Therefore, customer
satisfaction is a mental state before other behaviours follow according to the
expectations-disconfirmed model. Revealed that trust and perceived value affect
customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction itself, in turn, affects the
intention to reuse (reuse intention) (Piriyakul et al., 2015).
Satisfaction is one of the
dimensions of attitude because the measure of the affective component is one of
the elements of attitude. Therefore, the authors in this study can place
customer satisfaction on attitudes in the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The customer satisfaction with purchases is
influenced by perceived value and trust (Piriyakul et al., 2015). Perceived value and trust are
influenced by reuse intention before customer satisfaction. Integration of
customer satisfaction and several TAM components can be carried out through
Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT). His research found that customer
satisfaction mediates a trust relationship with reuse intention (Dwi & Raka, 2022). Research conducted states that
customer satisfaction mediates the effect of perceived value on the intention
to reuse (Adriani & Warmika, 2019).
The authors in this study
analyzed two independent variables: trust and perceived value. The reasons for
taking these two variables are: First. LinkAja is a mobile payment synergy from
T-Cash with electronic financial services for various State-Owned Enterprises
(BUMN) such as Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI and Bank BRI. This synergy aims to
provide better mobile payment services for all Indonesian people. Second. LinkAja
is an application-based electronic financial service to provide convenience in
making payments, transferring money, and buying and paying various bills for
its users. Therefore, trust and perceived value from LinkAja users are needed
so that interest in using the LinkAja digital wallet increases because, based
on a survey conducted by Ipsos in 2020, interest in using the LinkAja digital
wallet is still low compared to competitors such as ShopeePay, OVO, GO-PAY, and
Several studies have examined reuse
intention, but each study has characteristics related to this theme. In
addition, the focus of the problems studied related to trust, perceived value,
and customer satisfaction, and many previous researchers have yet to carry out
reuse intention. The contribution of each research journal mentioned earlier is
to serve as material for compiling state the art related to a collection of
theories and references that either support or do not support research. From
the several research journals mentioned, it is known that they need to
specifically discuss the reuse intention of KAI Access in the LinkAja
application. Thus, it is concluded that the research to be carried out is still
relatively new and has yet to be carried out by many previous researchers. Therefore,
this study aims to find out and analyze the effect of trust and perceived value
on the reuse intention of users of the likaja application mediated by customer
satisfaction (study of kai access application users)." With this research,
it will provide benefits such as increasing understanding of application user
behavior: By studying the effect of trust, perceived value, customer
satisfaction, and reuse intention on application usage, the research can
provide better insights into application user behavior. This can help app
developers to improve app quality and provide a better experience to users.
Provide information about factors that affect customer satisfaction, The
results of the study can provide information about the factors that affect
customer satisfaction and help application developers to increase customer
satisfaction through increasing trust and perceived value.
This research is
located at Gubeng Station, Surabaya City. This research focuses on users of the
Penataran Train for the Surabaya - Malang route who use the KAI Access
application and pay for it through the LinkAja application. This type of
research is explanatory research. Explanatory research is research that
highlights the relationship between research variables and tests the hypotheses
that have been formulated (Runtunuwu, 2021). The data source of this research is primary data.
Primary data refers to information researchers obtained directly (first-hand) (Sekaran & Bougie,
2017). The primary data in this study were obtained directly
(face to face) from users of the Penataran Train on the Surabaya - Malang route
who used the KAI Access application and paid for it through the LinkAja
application. The data used in this study is quantitative data, namely data
measured on a numerical scale. Quantitative data was obtained from the results
of distributing questionnaires. The population of this study were users of the
Penataran Train for the Surabaya - Malang route who used the KAI Access
application and paid for it through the LinkAja application with an infinite
population (unknown). Researchers in determining the sample in
this study using non-probability sampling. Test instruments used in this study
are validity test, reliability test, data analysis and mediation effect test.
Direct Influence
The direct effect
test aims to answer the research hypothesis with the criteria if the
t-statistic value > t-table (1.960) or the p-value <0.05; then there is
an influence. The results are presented in Table 5.13 below.
Table 2.
Direct Effect Test Results
Hypothesis |
Influence |
Original sample |
Q Statistics |
P Values |
Results |
H1 |
Trusts Reuse Intention |
0.404 |
6,313 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
H2 |
Perceived Value Reuse Intention |
0.203 |
2,262 |
0.024 |
Accepted |
H3 |
�Trusts Customers Satisfaction |
0.239 |
3,862 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
H4 |
Perceived Value Customer Satisfaction |
0.620 |
11,092 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
H5 |
customers Satisfaction Reuse
Intention |
0.361 |
4,146 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
From the above
results obtained the following test results:
a) H1 (trust
towards reuse intention)
The trust t-statistic value for reuse
intention is 6.313 > 1.960 or a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. The original
sample value of 0.404 indicates a positive relationship. It can be concluded,
"trust has an effect on reuse intention." H1 is accepted.
b) H2 (perceived
value of reuse intention)
The perceived value of the t-statistic for
reuse intention is 2.262 > 1.960 or a p-value of 0.024 <0.05, and the
original sample value of 0.203 indicates a positive relationship. It can be
concluded, "perceived value influences reuse intention." H2 is
c) H3 (trust in
customer satisfaction)
The t-statistic value of trust on customer
satisfaction is 3.862 > 1.960 or a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. The original
sample value of 0.239 indicates a positive relationship. It can be concluded
that " trust affects customer satisfaction." H3 is accepted.
d) H4 (perceived
value on customer satisfaction)
The t-statistic value for perceived value on
customer satisfaction is 11.092 > 1.960 or a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. The
original sample value of 0.620 indicates a positive relationship. It can be
concluded, "perceived value affects customer satisfaction ". H4 is
e) H5 (customer
satisfaction on reuse intention)
The t-statistic value of customer satisfaction
on reuse intention is 4.146 > 1.960 or a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. The
original sample value of 0.362 indicates a positive relationship. It can be
concluded, "customer satisfaction affects reuse intention ". H5
Indirect Influence
The indirect effect test
aims to test whether there is an indirect relationship between exogenous
variables (trust and perceived value) on endogenous variables (reuse intention)
through mediating variables (customer satisfaction). Indirect influence is said
to influence if the t-statistic value > t-table (1.960) or the p-value
<0.05. The results of the indirect effect test can be seen in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Indirect Influence Test Results
hypothesis |
Influence |
Original sample |
Q Statistics |
P Values |
Results |
H6 |
Trusts customers Satisfaction Reuse Intention |
0.086 |
2,578 |
0.010 |
Accepted |
H7 |
Perceived Value customers satisfaction Reuse
Intention |
0.224 |
4.155 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
From the above results obtained the following
test results:
a) H6 (trust in
reuse intention mediated by customer satisfaction)
The mediation of customer satisfaction on the
effect of trust on reuse intention has a t-statistic value of 2.578 > 1.960
and a p-value of 0.010 <0.05. It can be concluded, "trust mediated by
customer satisfaction has an effect on reuse intention ". H6 is accepted.
b) H7 (perceived
value on reuse intention mediated by customer satisfaction)
The mediation of customer satisfaction on the
effect of perceived value on reuse intention has a t-statistic value of 4.155
> 1.960 and a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. It can be concluded that
"perceived value mediated by customer satisfaction affects reuse intention
". H7 accepted.
Based on the
results of the hypothesis above, it can be explained as follows:
Can Increase Reuse Intention
Trust affects reuse intention. H1, this
research is accepted. These results indicate that the higher the trust of KAI
Access users in the LinkAja application, the higher the intention of KAI Access
users to reuse LinkAja as a means of payment. Trust involves a person's
willingness to behave in a certain way because of the belief that a partner
will provide the satisfaction he expects and hope that someone generally has
that other people's promises/statements can be trusted (Gunasach,
2022). It is common for consumers who have
confidence in a company to no longer care about anything else and will continue
to reuse the application (Anshori
et al., 2022).
Trust is more important for customers,
especially LinkAja users, in online transactions compared to offline
transactions; at a high level of trust, customers (LinkAja users) may not care
about unwanted future behaviour by the service providers offered because the
level of trust that sometimes tends to increase the willingness of customers to
accept vulnerability by forming an intention to buy (Malhotra
et al., 2017). Trust is an important element in the
business world; a business transaction between two/more parties will occur if
each trusts the other (Wong,
2017). �This trust cannot simply be recognized by the
business partner but must be built starting from early and verifiable.
The analysis of the trust variable shows
that LinkAja can be a medium for paying for train tickets online because the
technology used by LinkAja is safe to use. Apart from that, LinkAja is
concerned about providing the best service for its users and providing
solutions to the complaints that I experienced. On the other hand, LinkAja is
well connected with the KAI Access application, and LinkAja will always
maintain its integrity. The results of the analysis of the trust variable can
increase the intention to reuse LinkAja as a means of payment for KAI Access.
LinkAja user trust is described as a
psychological state that motivates its users to accept unforeseen consequences
and is specifically based on favourable expectations regarding the intentions
and behaviour of other parties. The results of this study strengthen research
findings concluded that trust has a significant positive effect on the
intention to reuse (Malhotra
et al., 2017); �(Prayudi
et al., 2022). Research concluded that trust has a
significant positive effect on reuse intention (Narahdita
et al., 2020); (Prasetya
& Sukaatmadja, 2021); (Dwi
& Raka, 2022).
Value Can Increase Reuse Intention
The perceived value affects reuse
intention. H2 in this study is accepted. These results indicate that the higher the
perceived value of KAI Access users in the LinkAja application, the higher the
intention of KAI Access users to reuse LinkAja as a payment method. Perceived
value can be increased by adding benefits to services or by reducing expenses
associated with purchasing and using services, where perceived value is a
comparison between the perceived benefits (or quality) of a product and the
perceived monetary and non-monetary sacrifices required to get it (Schiffman & Wisenblit, 2015).
Suppose the
quality of service offered by LinkAja is good. In that case, it will have an
impact on the higher perceived value of its users, and when LinkAja users
receive better service quality than the costs incurred and believe in receiving
very good value (good value) from the LinkAja application, where things this
will increase the loyalty of LinkAja users to these service providers.
Perceived value is an assessment given by consumers or customers by comparing
the benefits to be received with what is given (costs incurred) to obtain a
product or service.
LinkAja users,
before using the LinkAja payment application, first complete a long and
complete evaluation. The evaluation results of LinkAja users are called the
next perceived value, which will automatically determine whether consumers want
to reuse the application. Consumers (LinkAja users) will thoroughly evaluate
their buying experience and determine whether to repeat the same purchase. If
the evaluation results are good, consumers will want to avoid repeating them.
Conversely, if the impression from the evaluation process is impressive,
consumers will not hesitate to buy and reuse LinkAja. The higher the perceived value obtained,
the higher the consumer intention to reuse (Anshori
et al., 2022).
The results of the perceived value
variable analysis show that paying using LinkAja is more practical and makes it
easier for LinkAja users to buy train tickets. In addition, LinkAja determines
administrative fees appropriate for filling in balances and transaction fees
that LinkAja users spend more sparingly. On the other hand, LinkAja users feel
comfortable using the LinkAja application, and consumers are interested in the
services offered by LinkAja. The results of the perceived value variable
analysis can increase the intention to reuse LinkAja as a means of payment for
KAI Access.
Attitudes and behavioural control felt
by consumers (LinkAja users) are interconnected with perceived value, where
perceived value is a factor influencing intention to reuse using the Theory of
Planned Behavior (Ladkoom
& Thanasopon, 2020). The results of this study strengthen
research findings concluding that perceived value has a significant positive
effect on the intention to reuse (Adriani
& Warmika, 2019). Research found that perceived value
significantly positively affects reuse intention (Anshori
et al., 2022).
Trust Can Increase Customer Satisfaction
affects customer satisfaction. H3 in this study is accepted. These results
indicate that the higher the trust of KAI Access users in the LinkAja
application, the higher the consumer satisfaction with LinkAja. Belief acts as
a cognitive filter tool by influencing a person (LinkAja user) to interpret the
behaviour of others as consistent with initial expectations (Malhotra et al., 2017). Consumers (LinkAja users)
who trust online services will have expectations confirmed regarding perceived
Customer satisfaction is influenced by trust, which is a consequence of
belief after initial use (Dwi & Raka, 2022). Trust is considered a
possible factor facilitating exchange relationships characterized by
uncertainty, vulnerability, interdependence, and fear of opportunism (Malhotra et al., 2017). Trust involves a person's
willingness to behave in a certain way because of the belief that partners will
provide the satisfaction expected of their customers and an expectation
generally owned by someone that promises/statements of other people can be
trusted. Consumer satisfaction arises from expectations, while expectations are
generated from experience. WOM or from searching for information/data.
Expectations are the cause of pre-purchase satisfaction, while
confirmation/disconfirmation is the cause of satisfaction during purchase (Piriyakul et al.,
The analysis of the trust variable shows that LinkAja can be a medium for
paying for train tickets online because the technology used by LinkAja is safe
to use. Apart from that, LinkAja is concerned about providing the best service
for its users and providing solutions to the complaints that I experienced. On
the other hand, LinkAja is well connected with the KAI Access application, and
LinkAja will always maintain its integrity. The results of the analysis of the trust
variable can increase customer satisfaction with LinkAja.
Trust in
online marketing is important because it mixes emotions and judgments that can
evolve and change over time. Trust is a key factor in online business
transactions because online transaction performance is subject to uncertainty
and error from non-human factors, and if there is distrust, it will harm
consumer satisfaction in transactions (Piriyakul et al., 2015). The results of this study strengthen the
findings of the study concluded that trust has a significant positive effect on
satisfaction (Piriyakul et al.,
2015) (Malhotra
et al., 2017). Research states that trust significantly
affects customer satisfaction (Dwi
& Raka, 2022).
Value Can Increase Customer Satisfaction
perceived value affects customer satisfaction. H4 in this study is
accepted. These results indicate that the better the perception of value felt
by KAI Access users on the LinkAja application, the more consumer satisfaction
with LinkAja will increase. Perceived value is a consumer's assessment of the
benefits of the product regarding the benefits obtained from the product and
the costs to obtain the product. Customer satisfaction is one of the emotional
responses to evaluating the experience of consuming a product or service (Windasuri, 2017).
Perceived value is a consumer assessment by comparing the benefits to be
received with what is given (costs incurred) to obtain a product or service (Fatihudin & Firmansyah, 2019). The value received by
consumers or customers is one of the important things in creating customer
satisfaction. Consumers
will buy and get satisfaction from companies or service providers that they
think to offer the highest perceived value and are considered able to fulfil
their requests and solve their problems (LinkAja users). Perceived value is a
comparison between the perceived benefits and the costs incurred by consumers
to obtain certain products or services (Khasbulloh
& Suparna, 2022).
results of the perceived value variable analysis show that paying using LinkAja
is more practical and makes it easier for LinkAja users to buy train tickets.
In addition, LinkAja determines administrative fees that are appropriate for
filling in balances and transaction fees that LinkAja users spend more
sparingly. On the other hand, LinkAja users feel comfortable using the LinkAja
application, and consumers are interested in the services offered by LinkAja.
The results of the analysis of the trust variable can increase customer
satisfaction with LinkAja.
value is consumers' perception and emotion towards products and prices (Huang
& Yuan, 2015). Perceived value depends on subjective
and individualistic assessments. Satisfaction is a mental condition before
other behaviours (LinkAja users) follow according to the
expectations-disconfirmed model, where perceived value affects consumer
satisfaction (Piriyakul et al.,
2015). The results
of this study strengthen research findings concluding that perceived value has
a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction (Adriani
& Warmika, 2019). Research found that perceived value
significantly positively affects customer satisfaction (by Amri
et al., 2019); (and
Khasbulloh & Suparna, 2022).
Satisfaction Can Encourage the Creation of Reuse Intention
satisfaction affects reuse intention. H5 in this study is accepted. These results
indicate that the higher the level of consumer satisfaction with LinkAja, the
greater the intention of KAI Access users to reuse LinkAja as a payment
transaction tool. A �high level of consumer
satisfaction often leads to word of mouth and reuse intention (Ladkoom
& Thanasopon, 2020). Consumer satisfaction is one of the
factors that can impact customer attitudes, which will continue to influence
reuse intention behaviour (Lestari,
satisfaction as a user of LinkAja is an 'affective' attitude that is formed in
terms of feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from a mental
comparison of perceptions and their level of expectations for the performance
of the services offered by LinkAja because consumer satisfaction is the result
of post-purchase evaluation and comparison. Likely to influence the intention
to transact in the future. Customer satisfaction is one of the dimensions of
attitude because the measure of the affective component is one of the elements
of attitude. Consumer satisfaction in attitudes is placed in the Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Miraza
et al., 2022).
analysis of the customer satisfaction variable shows that LinkAja users are
satisfied with the performance of LinkAja's services in dealing with problems
that occur when making transactions. The services offered by LinkAja are
following their expectations. In addition, LinkAja offers other products so
that LinkAja users get many benefits. On the other hand, LinkAja services
prioritize user satisfaction, and LinkAja users can share their experiences
with friends, relatives, and family. The results of the analysis of the
customer satisfaction variable will increase consumer intentions to reuse
LinkAja as a means of payment for KAI Access.
to reuse is the intention of consumers to reuse the services offered (Karya,
2020). Reuse intention can be influenced by
consumer satisfaction, and consumer satisfaction, in turn, influences reuse
intention (Piriyakul et al.,
2015). The results of this study strengthen
research findings found that satisfaction has a significant positive effect on
the intention to reuse (Piriyakul et al., 2015);
et al., 2017). Research concluded that customer
satisfaction significantly positively affects the intention to reuse (Adriani
& Warmika, 2019). Research state that customer
satisfaction positively and significantly affects reuse intention (Dwi
& Raka, 2022).
Can Encourage the Creation of Customer Satisfaction and Reuse Intention
satisfaction can mediate the effect of trust on reuse intention. H6 in this
study is accepted. These results indicate that consumer satisfaction (LinkAja
users) also influences and determines the influence of KAI Access users' trust
in the LinkAja application on their intention to reuse LinkAja as a payment
method for KAI Access. According to research, the intention to reuse (reuse
intention) is one of the main drivers that motivates LinkAja users to continue
using the services offered and consumer satisfaction can be a motivating factor
to make repeat purchases due to the trust that consumers have (Dwi
& Raka, 2022).
study results show that the indirect effect has a smaller value than the direct
effect, so trust can directly influence reuse intention without going through
or involving customer satisfaction. In this study, customer satisfaction
influences a partial mediation variable. According to research, satisfaction
arises from expectations and expectations cause pre-purchase satisfaction (Piriyakul et al.,
2015). Customer satisfaction refers to the
customer's evaluation of whether or not the previous perception of the services
offered is as expected (Gordon & McDougall, 2000) (Amri et
al., 2019).
is one of the main things that need to be considered; this can be built through
consumer trust in LinkAja, which is based on trust involving a person's
willingness to behave in a certain way because of the belief that other parties
will provide satisfaction that other people's promises or statements can be
trusted satisfaction customers will have an impact on customer attitudes and
will continue to influence reuse intention behaviour (Lestari,
2020). The results of this study strengthen
the findings of research by (Saleem
et al., 2017), concluding that customer satisfaction
can mediate the trust relationship with repurchase intention. Research found
that customer satisfaction can mediate a trust relationship with reuse
intention (Dwi
& Raka, 2022).
Value Can Encourage the Creation of Customer Satisfaction and Reuse Intention
satisfaction can mediate the effect of perceived value on reuse intention. H7
in this study is accepted. These results indicate that customer satisfaction
also influences and determines the effect of perceived value on the intention
to reuse LinkAja as a payment method for KAI Access. Suggests that consumer
satisfaction is a mental condition before other behaviours follow according to
expectation confirmation theory, where in expectation confirmation theory,
perceived value influences consumer satisfaction and that satisfaction, in
turn, influences reuse intentions (Piriyakul et al.,
study results a show that the indirect effect has a greater value than the
direct effect, so the perceived value can directly influence reuse intention
without going through or involving customer satisfaction. In this study,
customer satisfaction influences a partial mediation variable. The intention is
one of the main drivers that motivate users to continue using the products or
services offered. Customer satisfaction can be a driving force for repurchasing
due to consumer assessments regarding the perceived value of product benefits,
the benefits obtained from the product and the cost of obtaining the product.
value is one of the most important things in creating customer satisfaction
because customer satisfaction is a factor that impacts customer attitudes, and
this will continue to affect reuse intention behaviour (Lestari,
2020). According to research, the decision to
reuse intention is the same as the decision to repurchase consumer products and
services because the decision to reuse is influenced by the first time the user
uses the information system and feels the value it perceives (Ladkoom
& Thanasopon, 2020). The results of this study reinforce the
research findings. The research results found that customer satisfaction
mediates the effect of perceived value on repurchase intention (Huang
& Yuan, 2015). Research states that customer
satisfaction mediates the effect of perceived value on the intention to reuse (Adriani
& Warmika, 2019).
Based on the results of the discussion
of research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows: Trust can
increase reuse intention. This result means that the higher the trust of KAI
Access users in the LinkAja application, the higher the intention of KAI Access
users to reuse LinkAja as a payment method. Perceived value can increase reuse
intention. This result means that the higher the perceived value of KAI Access
users in the LinkAja application, the higher the intention of KAI Access users
to reuse LinkAja as a payment method. Trust can increase customer satisfaction.
This result means that the higher the trust of KAI Access users in the LinkAja
application, the higher the consumer satisfaction with LinkAja. Perceived value
can increase customer satisfaction. This result means that the better the
perception of value felt by KAI Access users on the LinkAja application, the
more consumer satisfaction with LinkAja will increase. Customer satisfaction
can encourage the creation of reuse intention. These results mean that the
higher the customer satisfaction with LinkAja, the greater the intention of KAI
Access users to reuse LinkAja as a payment transaction tool. Customer
satisfaction can mediate the effect of trust on reuse intention. This result
means that customer satisfaction also influences and determines the influence
of KAI Access user trust in the LinkAja application on the intention to reuse
LinkAja as a payment method for KAI Access. Customer satisfaction can mediate
the effect of perceived value on reuse intention. These results mean that
customer satisfaction also influences and determines the effect of perceived
value on the intention to reuse LinkAja as a payment method for KAI Access.
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