Suryati Panjaitan
Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan KKP Jakarta, Indonesia
Received: 02-04-2023������������������� ������������� Accepted: 11-04-2023 �������������������� ����������� Published: 27-04-2023������
Introduction: This research was conducted experimentally from
May to July 2021 at the Teaching Factory Cultivation Laboratory (TEFA) of the
Jakarta Fisheries Business Specialist Polytechnic. This study aims to determine
the effect of astaxanthin feeding on increasing color, survival and growth of
koi fish. Method: The research method used is quantitative. The design
used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatment levels and
three replications. Analysis of variance used was analysis of variance (ANOVA. Results:
The results showed that the addition of astaxanthin to feed had a significant
effect on changes in the color quality of koi fish. The best result was the
addition of astaxanthin 125 mg/kg feed (20.29 � average weight measurement
results) (ABW) at the end of the study obtained the highest value in treatment
A (control) of 10.37 g. The results of the average weight measurement (ABW) at
the end of the study obtained the highest value in treatment A (control) of
10.37 g, Specific Growth Rate (SGR) was the highest in treatment A (control) of
12.00%, the best Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) was in the treatment with the
addition of 100 mg astaxanthin 1.12. Conclusion: The use of astaxanthin in koi fish feed can
increase the selling value of koi fish in the market because of the bright
color is one of the important criteria in assessing the quality of koi fish.
Koi fish farmers can consider adding astaxanthin and need to pay attention to
the right dosage.
Keywords: astaxanthin, cyprinus rubrofuscus, fish colour.
Corresponding Author: Amyda
Suryati Panjaitan
E-mail: [email protected]
Koi fish (Cyprinus
rubrofuscus) is well-known and popular with ornamental fish lovers and
business people (Iskandar et al., 2021). The selling price of koi fish continues to
increase, and the price classification is very varied. The main factors
determining the price of koi fish are beautiful colour patterns and exotic body
shapes, beautiful body shapes and movements, as well as very lucrative economic
value, causing koi fish to continue to be studied both from the aspect of feed
nutrition and a genetic standpoint (Simbolon, et al.,
Beautiful body shape and colour of koi fish (Cyprinus rubrofuscus ) make this fish have high
economic value (Irawati et al., 2022). Indicators of beauty in ornamental fish can
be seen in their brilliant colours, physical shape and completeness, behaviour,
and health or stamina conditions (Andriani et al., 2019). According to (Malini &
Agustin, 2018), the beauty of koi fish lies in its back,
which has an attractive colour. The colour of koi fish is related to the number and location of pigment
cells (chromatophores) in the dermis layer. It is said by (Simbolon et
al., 2002) that the body colour of the fish is caused
by the availability of carotene from natural food, while the fish that are
reared get their carotene source from artificial feed.
The primary
function of pigments in fish food will naturally form colour changes in fish so
that fish scales are more contrasting. The addition of pigmentation ingredients
in the feed will encourage an increase in colour pigments in the fish's body
and be able to maintain the dyes in the body (Nur et al.,
2020). The increase in colour intensity in fish is
influenced by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors (Collins et
al., 2022). Internal factors are factors originating
from within the body of the fish that are fixed, such as age, size, genetics,
sex, and the fish's ability to absorb the nutrients in the feed (Indarti et
al., 2012)
The pigment
manipulation technique by enriching the content of pigment cells in the fish's
body through feeding containing astaxanthin (chlorophyll pink) is a way to
obtain bright and even colours in fish (Sitorus, 2015 ). Provision of feed-containing supplements
needs to be done in order to improve and improve colour quality (Maolana et
al., 2018).
are dye-forming components that give red and yellow colours. Astaxanthin is the
most effective and widely found type of carotenoid pigment for colouring (Yulianti et al .,
2014). Nasution (1997) in (Andriani et
al., 2019) stated that the greater the carotenoid
content in the fish's body, the brighter the colour of the fish. According to (Sukarman & Hirnawati,
2014), astaxanthin is a synthetic carotenoid
commonly used in aquaculture. Thus the need for carotenoids must be provided
through feed, especially in intensive rearing systems (Sukarman
& Hirnawati, 2014).
Based on the
background above, this study aimed to determine and evaluate the effect of
adding astaxanthin to feed on increasing the colour of koi fish (Cyprinus
This research
activity was conducted from May to July 2021 at the Cultivation Laboratory of
the Jakarta Fisheries Business Expert Polytechnic. The materials used in this
study were 120 koi fish of the Kohaku type with a size of 6 � 7 cm. Other
ingredients used are artificial feed, prologue and astaxanthin. The design used
was a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three
replications with doses A (Control/without astaxanthin), B (75 mg/kg feed), C
(100 mg/kg feed), D (125 mg/kg feed). Kg of feed). The feed is poured into the
astaxanthin solution, mixed with a prologue of as much as 2gr/kg of feed and
150 ml/kg of water, and then dried.
The research method used is
quantitative. The analysis of variance
used was an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a 5% degree of freedom. If the
statistical test results show a significant difference between the treatments
(P <0.05), proceed with the Tukey HSD test. Then the data were processed
using SPSS software version 26 to find out whether there was an effect on each
The increase in
colour in koi fish was observed using the Modified-Toca Color Finder (M-TFC),
carried out six times during 60 days of rearing. The fish colour was observed
visually by three panellists with eyes that were not myopic and not
colour-blind (Indarti et al., 2012). (Sitorus, 2015) said that determining the colour score using M-TCF paper
on each fish. The score on the paper starts with the numbers 1,2,3, with colour
gradations starting from light orange to dark red, where the higher the value,
the darker the colour.
The results
showed that adding astaxanthin to the feed had a significant effect (P<0.05)
on the brightness of the koi fish's colour. Based on the Tukey HSD test output,
sig <0.05 was obtained between the treatments of adding astaxanthin 125mg/kg
of feed to other treatments. The increase in the colour of koi fish at the end
of maintenance can be seen in Figure 1
Figure 1. Koi Fish Color Enhancement
Table 1. Average Color Value of Koi Fish
dosage |
Color Change |
Control |
18.58 �
0.25 a |
75 mg/kg
feed |
18.71 �
0.21 b |
100 mg/kg
feed |
19.64 �
0.67 b |
125 mg/kg
feed |
20.29 �
0.10 c |
or survival is the ratio between the number of individuals who live at the end
of the experiment with the number of individuals who live at the end of the
experiment at e start of the experiment. Koi fish survival at the end of rearing
can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Koi
Fish Survive at The End of The Ring
The best survival was obtained in treatment B with 75 mg of astaxanthin w, a
value of 93.3% and trin treatment C of 90.0%.
Good water quality plays a vital
role in the life of fish, where fish need a suitable and qualified environment
to grow properly. The results of measuring water quality parameters during
maintenance can be seen in Table 2.
2. Koi Fish Rearing Water Quality
The results of water quality parameter measurements in Table 2 show that
the temperature ranges from 26.8-29.5�C, the pH ranges from 7.6-7.9 a, and the
DO ranges from 4.8-5.5 mg. l⁻�. This water quality range can be said to
be optimal for fish life. According to (Purba et al., 2021), a suitable temperature range for koi
fish is 27-29�C. According to (Kelabora, 2010) that temperature can affect the growth and
appetite of fish. The ideal pH for freshwater biota is 7-8.5 (Muslim & Atjo, 2021). The minimum dissolved oxygen
concentration for keeping koi fish is mg. l⁻� (Simamora et al., 2021).
The addition of
astaxanthin to fish feed had a very significant effect (P<0.05) on
increasing the brightness of the colour of koi fish (Cyprinus subfuscous). However, it did not significantly affect the average
growth (Average Body Weight / ABW), specific growth rate (SGR), Feed Convection
(FCR) and survival rate (SR). The best results were obtained at the additional
dose of 125 mg/kg of feed with an average colour increase of 20.29 � 0.10.
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2023 by the authors. It was submitted for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA ) license (
-sa / 4 .0/ ). |