Yauna1, Wahyu Sopandi2, Wawan Wahyu3
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
�[email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3
structure material is one of the chemistry topics that is abstract and complex.
Learning topics that contain abstract and complex material requires high-level
reasoning and thinking. This research aims to describe students' actual
abilities in atomic structure material using an e-module based on the RADEC
model. This research method is development research that adapts the Borg &
Gall design. The subjects of this research were 31 students in the experimental
class and 37 students in the control class. This research was conducted at one
of the high schools in the city of Bandung. Students' abilities are measured
through pretest questions and assignment of pretest questions. The data
analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and n-gain. This
research showed that the actual competence of students in the experimental
class had an n-gain of 0.58 and was in the medium category. In contrast, the
actual competence of students in the control class had an n-gain of 0.29 and
was in the low category. Thus, learning using e-modules based on the RADEC
model can improve students' competence. The results of the student perception
survey show that RADEC-based e-modules are very helpful in independent learning
and completing assignments.
Keywords: actual
competencies, e-module, radec model.
Corresponding Author: Fadhliyatul Yauna
Email: [email protected]
Atomic structure is the basic material in
understanding chemistry. Lack
of understanding of the material can make it difficult for students to
understand subsequent material. Research shows that most teachers teach atomic
structure using the lecture method, which is usually teacher-centered (Capone, 2022). However, the learning process using this method does
not support students to be ready to face the challenges of the 21st century.
According to the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
theory by Vygotsky (1978), the development of a person's abilities can be
divided into two levels, namely the level of actual development (independent
performance) and the level of potential development (assisted performance)
(Fitriani & Maemonah, 2022). In learning, the actual level of development is also
called the student's actual abilities. Actual abilities can describe the
process of student acceptance of the material being taught (Hayati et al., 2023).
Actual development is the ability students gain
through independent study, including reading relevant material (Hasan & Ahmad,
2018). Independent learning can be pursued through a
student-centered learning approach (Student Center Learning) (Pan, 2023) ; (Gonz�lez-P�rez &
Ram�rez-Montoya, 2022) ; (Suhartini et al.,
2019). In this approach, students are actively involved in
learning, and the teacher acts as a facilitator (Byusa et al., 2022) ; (Capone, 2022). One form of teaching material that supports this
approach is a module (Darwanto &
Meilasari, 2022). The module contains material that must be studied
according to learning objectives and guides students in independent learning (Widiari, 2023). In the technological era, electronic modules
(e-modules) are increasingly popular. E-modules can help students understand the material
before, during, and after learning (Ananda &
Usmeldi, 2023) ; (Enawaty, 2023) ; (Nugroho &
Arianto, 2023) ; (Rusmansyah et
al., 2023) ; (Osmi
et al., 2023).
E-modules can also be
integrated with learning models, such as RADEC (Read, Answer, Discuss,
Explain and Create). The RADEC model is a learning model that
emphasizes student activity and helps develop learning independence. This model
can contribute to the Indonesian government's efforts to encourage creative and
independent learning. Most students still tend to read textbooks when learning
occurs or just before an exam. The RADEC learning model provides an innovation
in overcoming this problem, namely by having Read and Answer steps carried out
by students independently before face-to-face activities. These two learning steps have been proven to improve
reading habits and students' reading abilities if carried out consistently (Sopandi, 2017). Each stage in the RADEC learning model is a student
activity, so students must learn continuously, and learning independence will
be formed.
In this research, the focus is on developing a
RADEC-based e-module on atomic structure material. The ultimate goal is to form
students who are active in lifelong learning by using effective and innovative
teaching materials. Research results prove that the integration of several
learning models in the development of module teaching materials has a positive
impact on student learning outcomes (Khotim et al., 2015) ; (Mas-ud et al., 2021) ; (Pamularsih, 2020). Based on the background above, this research aims to
describe students' actual abilities in atomic structure material using an
e-module based on the RADEC model. The e-module is expected to improve
students' learning abilities and independence.
This research is
quantitative and descriptive. The subjects of this research were class X
students at a high school in Bandung, consisting of 31 people in the
experimental class and 37 people in the control class. The experimental class
was given e-module teaching materials based on the RADEC model developed
through this research. In contrast, the control class was given e-module
teaching materials prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Students
in both classes were given the same pretest questions and assignments before
learning was carried out. Measurement of students' actual abilities is carried
out through pretests and assignment of pretest questions. This pretest
instrument contains 13 questions in essay form. The questions represent each learning
indicator used in developing e-modules based on the RADEC model. Data on
students' abilities is obtained through tests in answer activities in the RADEC
model stages. The data obtained were analyzed using n-gain and descriptive
statistics. The n-gain value obtained measures students' ability categories,
which are grouped according to Table 1. Descriptive analysis is obtained from
students' perceptions in the experimental class regarding the e-module based on
the developed RADEC model; this is in the form of students' level of difficulty
in understanding the material on atomic structure and length. The time students
use to read the e-module is being developed.
Table 1. Category Grouping Based on N-gain Value
N-gain |
Category |
g < 0.3 |
Low |
0.3 < g
< 0.7 |
Currently |
g ≥
0.7 |
Tall |
The atomic structure material has
six topics that students must master. These topics include the development of
atomic theory (topic 1); atomic notation (topic 2); isotopes, isotones, and
isobars (topic 3); electron configuration (topic 4); quantum numbers (topic 5)
and orbital shapes (topic 6). Actual abilities can be described through
understanding reading material and using this information for independent
learning. Students
can answer questions correctly and independently without the help of the
teacher. Using e-modules based on the RADEC model can help students learn
independence. Research results prove that the actual abilities of students in
the experimental class are higher than those in the control class. This actual
ability is demonstrated by the student's ability to answer questions about the
six topics discussed in the e-module, such as explaining the development of
atomic theory based on experiments carried out by experts, determining the
atomic notation of an element, comparing isotopes, isotones, and isobars,
writing down the electron configuration, determine quantum numbers and describe
orbital shapes.
learning, students are given pretest questions. Students cannot answer the
majority of these questions. The pretest questions will be assignments that
students must complete before the topic is studied in class. During learning,
students are asked to complete and discuss the pretest questions with friends
in the group. The research results showed increased student learning outcomes
in the experimental class, which was higher than in the control class. These
results can be seen in Table 2. The experimental class has an n-gain value of
0.58. It is in the medium category, while the control class has an n-gain of
0.28 and is in the low category. This shows that the use of RADEC-based
e-modules can increase student learning independence. Using this e-module,
students can answer pretest questions given as assignments.
Table 2.
Comparison of n-gain values for experimental and control classes
Class |
N-gain |
Category |
Experiment |
0.58 |
Currently |
Control |
0.28 |
Low |
The highest average value of students'
actual ability was the topic of atomic notation. The experimental class showed
higher changes in student learning outcomes than the control class during the
pretest and assignment. These results show that students who use RADEC-based
e-modules can complete assignments correctly compared to the control class.
Meanwhile, the result of students' lower abilities is the development of atomic
theory. The comparison results of students' actual abilities in atomic
structure material can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Comparison of the
average actual abilities of
students in the experimental and
control classes
RADEC-based e-modules can improve
students' ability to understand six topics in atomic structure material. Through this e-module, students can study
and understand the material independently. This RADEC-based e-module-assisted
learning is in line with ZPD learning. In ZPD theory, students are asked to
complete assigned tasks independently (Agustyaningrum et al.,
2022). This RADEC-based e-module can be used as
a learning resource that supports students in completing the assigned tasks. So, both can help improve students' actual abilities. The RADEC
model has five stages: Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain and Create.
The Read stage can build students' knowledge and learning readiness.
This stage allows students to understand concepts (Petscher et al., 2020). The Read stage also helps students continue the Answer
stage with the knowledge gained at the Read stage. On average, students spend 1 hour reading
RADEC-based e-modules. This reading activity is used to answer the assignments
given at each meeting. The results
of a survey on the length of reading time carried out by students can be seen
in Figure 2. Based on
Figure 3, students needing longer reading time are on topic 6. This topic is
considered to be a more difficult topic than the other five topics.
the topic that students considered to have a low difficulty level was topic 3.
This illustrates that students spent at most 2 hours reading on topic 3. The
results of students' perceptions regarding the difficulty level of the material
for each topic can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 2. Percentage of time spent by
students reading RADEC-based e-modules
Figure 3.
Survey results of student perceptions of the difficulty of the material on each
e-module is designed so that students can use it for independent learning (Widiari, 2023). This is supported by the presentation of
material and illustrations appropriate to the student's educational level.
Based on the research results, student perceptions show positive value towards
the e-module being developed. The results of student perceptions are contained
in Table 2.
Table 2. Student perceptions of RADEC-based e-modules.
Indicator |
Statement |
Scale |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
clarity |
The text or writing in this module is easy to read |
0% |
3% |
34.3% |
40.3% |
22.4% |
clarity |
The size of
the image presented is appropriate (not too big and not too small) |
0% |
0% |
25.4% |
38.8% |
35.8% |
The colors
and shapes of the images displayed are clear |
0% |
4.5% |
22.4% |
35.8% |
37.3% |
of image to material |
The images
presented correspond to the material |
1.5% |
4.5% |
11.9% |
37.3% |
44.8% |
clarity |
The video
link presented is appropriate (not too big and not too small) |
3% |
1.5% |
35.8% |
41.8% |
17.9% |
attractiveness |
The images
presented are interesting |
0% |
4.5% |
31.3% |
37.3% |
26.9% |
of material |
presentation of material starts from simple to complex |
1.5% |
9% |
25.4% |
38.8% |
25.4% |
presentation of material in modules is simple and easy to understand |
3% |
6% |
34.3% |
38.8% |
17.9% |
The order
of presentation of the material is clear |
3% |
7.5% |
19.4% |
40.3% |
29.9% |
clarity |
sentences used in the module are easy to understand |
0% |
9% |
26.9% |
35.8% |
28.4% |
language used is communicative and not boring |
0% |
6% |
31.3% |
41.8% |
20.9% |
Clarity of
terms |
accompany the terms used in this module and are easy to understand |
0% |
6% |
29.9% |
37.3% |
26.9% |
of examples to the material |
This module
explains the material using appropriate example questions and is accompanied
by solutions. |
1.5% |
3% |
23.9% |
38.8% |
32.8% |
Ease of
learning |
The instructions for using the module are clear and can help in using
this module |
0% |
1.5% |
22.4% |
49.3% |
26.9% |
learning steps in the module can help students understand the material |
0% |
4.5% |
22.4% |
46.3% |
26.9% |
Interest in
using the module |
This module is interesting to study |
1.5% |
7.5% |
31.3% |
37.3% |
22.4% |
learning motivation |
This module can increase motivation to learn chemistry |
1.5% |
9% |
31.3% |
26.9% |
31.3% |
1 (strongly disagree); 2(disagree); 3 (quite agree); 4(agree) and 5(strongly
This research shows an
increase in students' actual abilities through learning with the help of
RADEC-based e-modules. The RADEC model can facilitate students' cognitive
development in atomic structure material. The actual abilities of students in
the experimental class were higher than those in the control class. Through
reading and answering activities, students can prepare themselves to study the
material they will study. Therefore, reading and answering activities can
encourage students before learning is carried out.
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2023 by the authors. It was submitted for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA ) license (
-sa / 4 .0/ ). |