Edi Setiawan1, Caecilia Wahyu Estining Rahayu2�
Universitas Sanata Dharma, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
[email protected]1, [email protected]2
Leadership models are crucial in managing Catholic education. It is
imperative for leadership to possess specific models capable of resolving
institutional or organizational issues. This research focuses on the
heart-centered leadership model employed by the Chairperson of the Leo Dehon
Indonesian Catholic Education Foundation. The study aims to explore this
heart-centered leadership model and understand its dimensions within the Leo
Dehon Catholic Education Foundation. Conducted using a qualitative research
method with a descriptive single-case study design involving 11 staff members
as research informants, the findings indicate the pivotal role of the
Chairperson in driving positive change within the Leo Dehon Catholic Education
Foundation. The Chairperson upholds noble values such as compassion, care,
preparedness, sacrifice, optimism, and openness, all of which are reflected in
the foundation's vision. Furthermore, the Chairperson sets an example through
words, actions, and behaviors that embody sanctity, knowledge, and wholehearted
dedication to service. This leadership example motivates self-development among
members, staff, and employees. Moreover, the Chairperson reinforces
organizational awareness by instilling a sense of ownership and responsibility
towards the foundation. Consequently, this research implies that the leadership
brought forth by the Chairperson has a significant impact on directing positive
changes and fostering a resilient organizational culture. The leadership
exemplified by the Chairperson influences the spirit and performance of
individuals within the foundation, shaping a strong organizational identity based
on upheld values.
Keyword: heart
leadership model, educational leadership, spirituality, educated person,
wholehearted services.
Corresponding Author: Caecilia Wahyu Estining Rahayu
E-mail: [email protected]
The flow of global life that continues to grow and
develop has created various areas of human life that are changing rapidly (Sugiardi, 2021). There no exception in education was also affected.
Various educational institutions, especially educational institutions in the
Catholic private sector, face serious challenges in order to be able to keep up
with the movement of change. If Catholic education is no longer renewed and
does not follow the demand times, then Catholic education is no longer able to
create human beings who are quality. Therefore, the ability of educational
institutions to respond to challenges is essential for their survival in the
In the educational process, one of the important
pillars is the role of leadership education in carrying out its duties and
functions. Leadership is a role that is very urgent in education today.
Educational leadership is a capability in the process of influencing and
coordinating other people with education and implementation of education so
that activities can take place more efficiently and effectively in achieving
educational goals (Atladottir, 2020). An educational organization is successful
or failed if the applied leadership model cannot influence subordinates (Purwanto et al., 2020).
This paper reports on a case study exploring the heart
leadership model in catholic education that a universal, harmonious and
integral education can educate students to become fully human.
In reality, the leadership of a Catholic educational
institution is not always running smoothly. Today's Catholic education faces
many global challenges that threaten the existence of Catholic schools. The big
challenge must be faced is a moral-spiritual crisis today that tends to lead to
materialism and individualism. In education, the curriculum leads to achieving
materialistic things, namely the pressure on the cognitive aspect psychomotor,
while affective aspects are often not given much attention (Nurkhairina &
Istiningsih, 2021).
The Leo dehon catholic education foundation
Foundation, formed in 2015, is located on Jl. DI. Panjaitan Kav. 46, Rawabunga,
District. Jatinegara, East Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province, is one of the
Catholic educational institutions belonging to the Congregation of the Priests
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SCJ). The Congregation is a religious
congregation founded by Father Yohanes Leo Dehon on June 28, 1878. The Leo
dehon catholic education foundation Foundation is called to participate in the
educational process by educating students to become complete humans in their
time. In carrying out educational leadership, The Leo dehon catholic education
foundation Foundation adheres to the heart leadership model as expressed by Leo
Dehon, the founder of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, "educating a human being does not only give him knowledge that
helps him obtain a position in life. Above all, education aims to create in him
a noble and noble character, a valuable culture, strong virtues" (Dehon
OSO IV, 278). Thus, Leo Dehon formulated a universal, harmonious, and integral
Catholic education leadership model.
Based on these problems, it really needs a Catholic
education universal, harmonious and integral that can be able to educate
students to become fully human so that they can have the provisions to face the
demands of life. The following are the aims of this study in the context of
Catholic Education in Indonesia: 1) To explore heart leadership models. 2) To
investigate the dimension of heart leadership models among Leo dehon catholic
education foundation.
This research
employed a qualitative method research design. Qualitative research method is
research that produces descriptive data in the form of written words from
people and observed behaviour (Moleong, 2000: 3). Whereas, Creswell defines
qualitative research method as an approach to explore and understand a central
phenomenon (Cresswell, 2010). The strategy that can be used in this case for
qualitative research method is a case study. Case studies as research by
defining a particular case with the aim of illustrating unique cases that are
unusual and need to be detailed (intrinsic cases) and understand issues,
problems, or specific concerns (Cresswell, 2010). As Burns (2000) asserted, �Case study is used to gain
in-depth understanding replete with meaning for the subject, focussing on
process rather outcome, on discovery rather than confirmation.
The approach method
used in this research is a descriptive case study. Descriptive case study is
implemented by tracking the events of personal relationships, illustrating
sub-cultures that have rarely become research topics and find key phenomena
which includes a social environment (Whyte, 1943). Descriptive case studies
have been selected, because it is considered capable of describing a phenomenon
and the context of real life where the case occurred (Tukiman, 2018). The case study research design that will be used in
this research is a single embedded case design in which the central unit is the
organization with the smallest units being individual members and several
intermediary units seen as important.
Figure 1. Single embedded case design (Yin, 2013)
This research
design was chosen because it was considered capable of providing objective
description of the object to be studied. In this case examine the Heart
Leadership Model at the Leo dehon catholic education foundation.
This research will
be conducted at the Leo dehon catholic education foundation, Jl. DI. Panjaitan
Kav. 46, Rawabunga, Jatinegara, East Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province. The
Leo dehon catholic education foundation was chosen as the research because the leadership
of this organization was able to overcome difficult times in schools that were
under his auspices to become schools that are still able to survive until now,
it is even starting to walk towards becoming the high-demand public schools.
In this study, the
considerations for the subject of research used, included trustworthy subjects,
know, and understand what is to be studied or the subject is the person who has
the authority and power to support research. Research subjects are eleven informans
who were selected, including: chairman of leo dehon catholic education
foundation (1), staffs of the leo dehon catholic education foundation (3),
heads of region operational office (2), and head masters (5). In this case, the
researcher prioritizes direct data (first hand) from informants. In addition,
researchers also made observations in the field and conduct a review of
documentation that supports related research.
Tabel 1. Leo Dehon
Catholic Education Foundation Staff�s and Background
Name |
Job |
Education |
Working Time |
SP |
Chairman of
Leo dehon catholic education foundation |
Master of Finance |
4 years |
SS |
Staff |
of office Administrative |
8 years |
AA |
Staff |
of office Administrative |
1 year |
JM |
Staff |
of finance |
12 years |
BT |
Head of
Jakarta Operational Office |
Bachelor of
Education |
4 years |
IS |
Head Master
of SD Antonius Jakarta |
Bachelor of
Education |
31 years |
ST |
Head Master
of SMP Antonius Jakarta |
Bachelor of
Education |
3 years |
WD |
Head Master
of SMA Antonius Jakarta |
Bachelor of
Education |
26 years |
SG |
Head of
Lampung Operational Office |
Doctor of
Islamology |
6 months |
IR |
Head Master
of SMP Yos Sudarso Metro |
Bachelor of
Education |
18 years |
JN |
Head Master
of SMA Yos Sudarso Metro |
Master of
Philosophy |
2 years |
As the table
indicates, most of them had a education background program. Additionally, they
worked from a half of year until 31 years in this catholic education. They also
worked in their specialization background.
The validity of the
data in the study was carried out in order to produce findings and valid
interpretation and acceptable to all parties. Validity check technique used in
this study is the triangulation technique, which is part of the degree of
confidence criterion. Data triangulation was carried out through crosscheck,
namely by the way the interview data that has been obtained is combined with
observation or study data documentation. In this study the type of data
triangulation used is triangulation sources, namely: 1) comparing the same data
from two or more informants; and 2) compare the data from interviews with the
results of observation and document review.
The Noble Values
chairman of leo dehon catholic education foundation has noble values that are
able to motivate him in carrying out his duties and responsibilities as
chairman of the foundation. Based on the results of interviews and
observations, it is known that the noble values lived and practiced by the
chairman of the foundation originate from Noble values. From observations on
Monday, April 3 2023, it appears that Noble values are clearly displayed on the
walls in the living room of the foundation office. Apart from that, these
values are also available in each branch operational office and school units,
so that everyone who enters the Leo dehon catholic education foundation area
can easily read them. These values are also values that are always fought for
in carrying out leadership. These Noble values are the driving force, driving
force and at the same time guiding the leadership direction of the chairman.
the chairman, presenting himself as a religious means sharing the
congregation's spirituality so that it can be felt in the world of education.
The congregation's spirituality includes Noble values, namely: love,
compassion, readiness and sacrifice, as stated in the foundation's vision and
mission and which are realized in school units. As stated by the chairman of
the foundation as follows:
�As a leader, the head of a
foundation, especially as a priest of the SCJ, one must demonstrate the noble
values advocated and consistently adhere to them� (I.2.2).
chairman of the foundation emphasized that his presence as chairman of the
foundation which is a member of the SCJ congregation, as a Dehonian, is "a
way so that the spirituality that the congregation wants to share can be
felt" (I.1.5), "as Father Dehon aspires to" (I. 4). This was
also acknowledged by JN, Principal of Yos Sudarso Metro High School, that the
presence of the chairman of the foundation with his identity "became a
public figure seen by students in our schools" (XI. 10). ST added that,
"At the monthly mass, the first Friday mass, there he gave his sermon on
how we can live this noble values or Father Dehon's spirituality in our
lives" (VII.6). The service in the field of education becomes an authentic
place of evangelization for Dehonians when they promote the values that flow
from the spiritual expression that is the basis of life, namely Love,
Compassion, Readiness, Sacrifice (Dehon, Oeuvres Sociales IV, 278).
chairman of the leo dehon catholic education foundation lives, instills and
shares this noble value of love by encouraging employees and teachers to have a
sense of belonging to the school and the foundation (I.2.3). This is what WD
also expressed, "Those who support it as administrators are only
volunteers and sometimes they remember the foundation, remember school, yes
only at school, when working, not when at home." (VIII.4). The chairman
who embodies the value of love in his duties and responsibilities was also
acknowledged by IR, "Almost always he is just traveling around, meeting us
teachers, employees and children. That greeting made us feel 'humanized'
(IX.6). AA added that the chairman was able to appreciate and provide a sense
of comfort in his work, as he expressed: "It gives a feeling of comfort,
it can consider us as subordinates, but subordinates who are appointed like
that... are still respected" (III.5). With this sense of belonging, sense
of comfortable, everyone will work more optimally because they make this
workplace their own.
is more than just having empathy and feeling the suffering of others
(sympathy), but is a virtue where the emotional capacity of empathy and
sympathy towards others is considered part of love itself and is the basis of
social connectedness. larger ones (Alam, 2021). A
form of compassion is not just paying attention to those who are poor,
suffering and needy, but also comes to getting to know and understand life and
the problems that surround them. The chairman instills and shares this noble
value of compassion by "realizing that currently we work not only because
of work and for a salary, but it is truly a calling to be involved in
education" (I.2.3). Therefore, the chairman of the foundation invited all
foundation members to "pay special attention to the education of young
people, especially those who are less fortunate" (I.2.7.a). SS, stated
that: "If there are students who are less well off, they apply for a fee
waiver... yes... the foundation will grant it taking into consideration their
family background" (II.10). In this way, the chairman was able to pay
attention to those in need, especially "those whose needs were not
met" (VI.11), listen to his subordinates and be actively involved in
the Couronnes d'Amour (Dehon, ), Dehon states that the character of being ready
is based on Jesus' readiness to accept the mission from God which includes
several basic values, namely: sensitivity to anticipating the needs of God and
others; a life devoted to God's will; readiness to do God's will; carrying out
tasks with joy.
chairman instills and shares the noble value of preparedness by carrying out
every task and job wholeheartedly, as he puts it: "carrying out every
task, job given to the best of his ability" (I.2.2) and "with all his
heart" (I.1.4). Readiness is manifested in time discipline; hard work and
totality, as expressed by JM that he learned a lot from the chairman of the
foundation: "I learned a lot, especially about... em.. discipline and
thoroughness in various things" (IV.4). This was also acknowledged by IS,
stating "...really extraordinary em... in terms of discipline, in terms of
controlling aspects of good" (VI.5). Therefore, SG said that the readiness
of the chairman of the foundation was visible in "carrying out his work
seriously. In fact, when he had to meet, either for the foundation's branch
office or for the development team, he was always present and carried out his
duties on time" (X.5).
to Dehon, the value of sacrifice includes the willingness to take action for
others for the sake of the humanization process and the courage to leave the
establishment in order to achieve optimal development (Tukiman, 2018). The
chairman instills and shares the noble value of sacrifice with a willingness to
help others for better development and leave the establishment for optimal
development. This willingness to help other people is seen when a member or
employee faces a problem, as stated by AA, "when... we face a problem or
when we create a problem, he wisely shows us how to solve the problem"
(III.3). WD also stated his involvement in helping other people towards better
things, "And in doing that, the priest was also involved in the work"
The Optimism
chairman is optimistic about the development of the foundation which will be
able to motivate him in carrying out his leadership. This optimism is also part
of the foundation's chairman's struggle to become better from day to day. As
stated by the chairman of the foundation as follows:
�This foundation is heading
towards improvement compared to before. We are also starting to enhance the
financial system, administration, and reports to make them easier to
understand, and we are open and transparent with teachers and employees about
optimism grew from within the chairman of the foundation because he had a sense
of ownership and responsibility for the continuity of the Leo dehon catholic
education foundation Foundation. This optimism is also supported by the
foundation's vision, namely to become a Catholic educational institution that
is intelligent, skilled and has a Dehonian character. Similar sentiments
regarding optimism regarding the development of the foundation were expressed
by foundation staff, SS (II.3); "Many developments have occurred,
especially in terms of developments and administration." Even IR (IX.3),
added: "In the past, these schools were almost closed due to financial
shortages as well as a lack of students. "Now the number of students has
started to increase every academic year."
The Openness
the chairman openness is the basis for good relationships and communication.
Openness between one another makes the working atmosphere comfortable. With a
comfortable atmosphere, all staff, members and employees can work optimally.
This happened as stated by the head of the foundation, "We have to be
open, we have to decide together so that it can become a comfortable joint
movement" (I.1.5). WD stated that this openness was also visible in
financial matters when there were foundation employees who were in dire need,
"He was very open to providing assistance to employees who needed help. If
someone has difficulty, the priest is ready to help" (VIII.10).
openness is also visible when meetings or conferences discuss matters that are
useful for the development of the unit or foundation. This was expressed by ST:
"He gave all employees per unit the opportunity to have a dialogue,
discuss the existing rules" (VII.7). BT also emphasized that, "He was
willing to listen to many people who came with various problems in his work
environment, and also greeted people" (V.8). Thus, openness is fundamental
in building relationships and communication between various parties involved in
developing the foundation. The openness practiced by the chairman of this
foundation can be a form of example for members so that they can feel
comfortable at work and can work optimally.
The Model
chairman continuously strives to set an example for his members, staff,
employees and teachers. This example is shown by carrying out duties and
responsibilities as best as possible and wholeheartedly. WD, emphasized this,
that: "How he speaks, how he acts..., yes, he sets an example in everyday
life" (VIII.5). This is in line with what he has expressed, "I am
working, carrying out the duties entrusted to me to the best of my ability
(I.2.2) and with all my heart (I.1.4)." He even added that working is like
taking care of the house. If something is not appropriate or something isn�t
good and makes you uncomfortable, it needs to be repaired.
chairman provides a visible example in terms of discipline. This was expressed
by BT, Secretary of the Foundation, "He is able to carry out the
chairman's duties well, can show an example of discipline to his
subordinates" (V.5). The same thing was also expressed by JM, Foundation
Finance Staff: "I learned a lot, especially about... em.. discipline and
accuracy in various things" (IV.4).
model shown also seen in the involvement of the foundation chairman in completing
things that are really needed in the units. WD expressed this: "Schools
can be made neat. And in doing that, the priest also gets involved in the
work" (VIII.6). ST, also expressed the same thing: "Father is a role
model, what we see is how humble he is, meaning that he truly lives Dehonian
spirituality in our environment" (VII.5). Based on the results of
observations, on Tuesday 4 April 2023, the chairman inspected the construction
of the new elementary school building on Bidara Cina, Jakarta by being involved
in directing and making decisions.
Growing Motivation
is an important element in work. Motivation can move a person to work optimally
and at the same time raise a person's enthusiasm and optimism. In his
leadership, the chairman always tries to foster optimal work motivation in
staff and employees through various efforts. This motivation is one of the
important things for the life, growth and development of the foundation. When
the chairman of the foundation began his leadership period in 2019, the
situation and conditions of the foundation were in the initial development of
the management of the Leo dehon catholic education foundation Foundation.
new foundation was formed from the merger of two different foundations, namely
the Antonius Jakarta Foundation and the Yos Sudarso Metro Foundation. The
Antonius Jakarta Foundation oversees three schools in Jakarta, namely Antonius
Elementary School, Antonius Junior School and Antonius High School. Meanwhile,
the Yos Sudarso Metro Foundation oversees two schools, namely Junior and Senior
High School Yos Sudarso Metro. The school units under the auspices of the two
foundations are trying to recover from the possibility of being closed, because
they are unable to carry out operational activities due to lack of funds and
also a lack of student numbers. Apart from that, facilities and infrastructure
are also inadequate. In fact, the performance of staff, employees and teachers
is also very low. In such situations and conditions, strong work motivation is
needed to be able to get out of difficulties.
be able to motivate other people, the chairman must first have motivation
within himself. The Chairman of the Foundation stated that, "If there is
something that is not neat, em.. not right or not appropriate, like when taking
care of the house, there is a feeling of 'unease', discomfort, then yes, I will
immediately finish it" (I. 1.4). The chairman feels that his job as
chairman of the foundation is like taking care of a house well, fixing what is
not appropriate and making the house comfortable. The work motivation of the
chairman is also felt by the staff, teachers and employees. AA, Foundation
Staff stated that motivation is in the form of "attention, it can provide
a feeling of comfort, it can consider us subordinates, but subordinates who are
appointed like that... are still appreciated" (III.5). Motivation is also
provided by greeting staff, employees and teachers, as stated by IS, Principal
of SD Antonius Jakarta, "He always comes to us, even though sometimes he
just says hello or sometimes that, but it really motivates his friends.
"Sometimes in a relaxed situation, I want to..., want to join in, want to
blend in" (VI.6).
heart leadership model research was carried out at the Leo dehon catholic
education foundation Foundation. The dimensions of leadership from the heart
(heart leadership model) as stated by Leo Dehon (Doreisteijn 2004: 21-22):
spirituality, educated person and wholehearted service. This discussion covers
the three dimensions of the heart leadership model: spirutality, educated
person and wholehearted service.
leader who leads from the heart has a dimension of spirituality which includes:
a spiritual lifestyle, love, compassion, readiness and sacrifice (Dehon, OSO
IV, 232) which contributes to personal, follower and organizational growth. Low
and Ayoko (2018) said that a spiritual lifestyle contributes to: 1) the
leader's personal growth which includes deepening faith, strengthening the
relationship with the divine and growing purpose in life; 2) growth of
followers, because leaders provide guidance, support and inspiration, thereby
helping them to deepen their spiritual life, find the meaning and purpose of
religious life; 3) organizational growth, because leaders create a positive and
nurturing environment by promoting togetherness, trust and shared shared values.
chairman provides an example of a spiritual lifestyle that is able to touch the
hearts, beliefs, faith and feelings of its employees, staff and members. This
is manifested in how he lives and carries out his calling as an SCJ religious
priest, paying attention to spiritual matters within the scope of the Catholic
educational foundation and showing humility in his words, actions and behavior.
This is similar to what was stated by John Nicholls (1994) that leadership
focuses on the heart, which is able to touch the beliefs, faith and feelings of
its members so as to move them to imitate the leader. (Tobroni, 2015) also
said that leaders act as role models and inspire others through their actions
and behavior so that a culture of unity, trust, respect and care will be
chairman instills and shares the noble values of love within the foundation by
encouraging employees and teachers to have a sense of belonging to the
foundation and respect and uphold human dignity. This is in line with (Byrne-Jim�nez & Yoon, 2019) who
convey leadership as an act of love. He emphasized the importance of 'habits of
the heart' which must be built from the depths of the heart, because they
involve relationships with the Divine and relationships with others. These
habits of heart include: 1) harmony which recognizes the interconnectedness and
interrelationship between one another; 2) wisdom which involves the process of
discernment, seeking knowledge to make good and correct decisions for the
common good; and 3) courage which involves the courage to make decisions with
all the consequences and risks.
compassion as noble values manifest by the chairman, in his attention and
concern by greeting members, staff and employees in their duties and services. (Turkel, 2014) stated
that compassion is realized by creating a positive environment; creating a
culture of care; creating an appreciative culture with expressions of
appreciation and gratitude; show empathy; and actively listen to their concerns
and needs.
readiness as a attitude manifest by the chairman that always says 'willing'
anywhere and for anything when asked. The character of being prepared includes
several basic values, namely: sensitivity to anticipating the needs of God and
others, a life devoted to God's will, readiness to do God's will, and carrying
out tasks with joy. This willingness manifests in several things: missionary
duties as a call to carry out God's will, time discipline, and hard work and
chairman of the foundation provides dedication and sacrifice to his duties and
services by prioritizing the interests of other people and the foundation above
his own interests. (Shula et al., 2022) state
that dedication and sacrifice prioritize the needs and interests of other
people above their own interests. In other words, leaders are able to
demonstrate their humility and focus on the well-being and development of
Educated Person
leader who leads from the heart has an educated dimension which includes
education of mind and will which is visible in the development of spiritual,
emotional and intellectual intelligence (Dehon, OSO IV, 233). In this case,
John Nicholls (1994) said that leadership focuses on the head which involves
intellectual work to make difficult decisions and guide the organization to
achieve its goals.
chairman builds spiritual intelligence by developing critical thinking skills,
the ability to face and solve problems. This is developed by means of open
dialogue with members, staff and employees to find the right solutions to
organizational problems. In fact, the chairman of the foundation encourages
members, staff and employees of the foundation to contribute their thoughts,
ideas and innovations that are useful for the development of the foundation.
Therefore, Stephen R. Covey (2005:79) states that spiritual intelligence is
related to individual intelligence to be able to think critically, be able to
face and solve problems.
chairman builds emotional intelligence by giving members confidence in certain
tasks that require preparedness so that they are involved in the foundation and
build members' optimism. (Mackenzie & Welch, 2005)
emphasize the importance of developing emotional intelligence by recognizing
and controlling one's own feelings and needs and recognizing and responding to
the feelings and needs of others in a constructive and skillful way. Therefore,
(Harris et al., 2014) emphasizes
the importance of creating optimal individual and organizational level
emotional capacity to support organizational change and improvement by
providing trust that allows members to develop themselves and respect each
chairman builds intellectual intelligence with his persistence in learning new
things and inspiring members to develop and achieve. Bayler (2012) states that
an educated person is a person who is able to inspire, motivate and inspire
members to achieve. Bass and Riggio (2006:7) state that this dimension is
intellectual stimulation which is able to explore creative and innovative ideas
for the development of the organization in a better direction. This can be seen
in the role of the chairman of the foundation which builds educational
facilities and infrastructure and improves the administrative system.
Wholehearted Services
leader who leads from the heart has wholehearted service that includes
exemplary life, effective communication and collaboration (Dehon, OSO IV, 234).
In this case, John Nicholls (1994) said that leadership focuses on the hands
that are visible in everyday actions.
chairman of the foundation, in his leadership practices, builds effective
communication both internally with members, staff and employees and externally
with donors and stakeholders. (Crainer & Dearlove, 2008) stated
that effective communication allows leaders to build trust and credibility;
ensure that everyone understands and works to achieve common goals; helps stay
connected with both internal and external stakeholders; and makes it possible
to make decisions based on feedback. (Wentz, 2015) also
emphasized the importance of effective internal and external communication,
both written, verbal and non-verbal, for leaders so that they can be more
effective in their leadership roles.
carrying out leadership, the foundation chairman builds collaboration with
internal parties which include members, staff and employees and also with
external parties which include stakeholders and donors. (Carpenter, 2015) states
that collaborative leadership is the basis for creating a positive
organizational culture that includes shared responsibility and accountability,
because it is able to create a positive and supportive environment and promote
a sense of unity and teamwork. (Barnes et al., 2019)
also stated the importance of the collaborative dimension by building
relationships and seeking support from others to create a sustainable process.
chairman creates relationships with an open heart which is achieved by building
an atmosphere of openness within the foundation's organizational environment so
that each individual can get to know each other and not feel awkward in their
relationships. Atkadottir (2020) emphasizes an open heart in leadership which
emphasizes the importance of diversity, honesty and trust in establishing
relationships so that a positive environment will be created where everyone
feels valued and respected. Based on this spirituality, leaders are seen as
drivers who influence the attitudes and actions of other people to achieve
common goals based on sacred values (Crossman, 2016). In
this case, (Sugiardi, 2021)
stated that the spiritual values lived contribute to the motivation, commitment
and job satisfaction of its members.
on this, leaders are seen as drivers who influence the attitudes and actions of
other people to achieve common goals based on spirituality, educated person and
wholehearted services (Crossman, 2016). In
this case, (Sugiardi, 2021)
stated that the spiritual values lived contribute to its members' motivation,
commitment, and job satisfaction.
Leadership stands as a pivotal force
within an organization, particularly in the realm of education, notably within
Catholic educational settings. It serves a crucial role in driving positive
change and advancements. The heart leadership model emerges as a significant
avenue for effecting such change, potentially addressing leadership crises
within educational institutions and enabling their resilience and evolution. The
study on the heart leadership model within the Leo Dehon Catholic Education
Foundation highlights the paramount importance of the foundation's chairman in
spearheading positive transformation. The chairman's embodiment of noble
values�such as love, compassion, preparedness, sacrifice, optimism, and
openness�stemming from the foundation's vision, underscores their influential
role. Moreover, the chairman serves as an exemplar through words, actions, and
demeanor, epitomizing a devout, knowledgeable figure dedicated to unwavering
service. This exemplary conduct fosters enthusiasm among members, staff, and
employees, fostering a drive for improvement.
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