Deby Susanti
Pada Vinski1, Natasha Cinta Vinski2
Stem Cell Centre Laboratory And Banking, Jakarta, Indonesia
�[email protected]1, [email protected]2
The objective of this research is to explain and analyze the miraculous
effectiveness of stem cell therapy in treating post-stroke patients,
particularly those with diabetes, and to study the consistent properties of
this treatment method. The research method employed is a case study that
administered stem cell therapy to five post-stroke patients with diabetes, aged
between 53 and 72 years. Patient care records, including evaluations and
analyses, serve as the primary data source for this study. The stem cells
utilized in the therapy are derived from products cultured by the CELLTECH Stem
Cell and Banking Laboratory, with processes undergoing thorough quality
reviews. The study demonstrates that stem cells have proven to be capable of
repairing damaged cells, especially in post-stroke therapy. Some patients
undergoing therapy at the CELLTECH Stem Cell Center have successfully recovered
and regained the ability to walk. These results are reinforced by a series of
laboratory tests confirming their efficacy. Treatments conducted at the Vinski
Regenerative Center also show positive research outcomes, enhancing confidence
in the clinic's medical services. The implications of this research suggest
that stem cell therapy could be an effective method in treating post-stroke
patients with diabetes. The positive outcomes of this research could also
bolster public trust in medical services provided by stem cell therapy centers
such as CELLTECH Stem Cell Center and Vinski Regenerative Center. Further
studies and the development of stem cell therapies may open new possibilities
in the treatment of post-stroke and related conditions.
Keywords: Stroke,
Stroke Therapy, Stem Cells, CELLTECH.
Corresponding Author: Deby
Susanti Pada Vinski
E-mail: [email protected]
Strokes occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen,
carried to the brain via blood flow (Murphy & Werring,
2020). If the overall blood flow to the brain is reduced,
blood pressure inside the brain becomes disrupted. In healthy individuals,
blood pressure in the brain is regulated by the autoregulation of the carotid
sinus and baroreceptors inside blood vessels within the neck (Kuriakose & Xiao,
2020). However, the aging process can cause these blood
vessels to harden and become stiff over time, resulting in the onset of fatty
deposits that increase the risk of stroke (Madsen et al., 2020). If blood is thick, which occurs when there are
excessive blood cells, blood flow becomes restricted (Kuriakose & Xiao,
Similarly, conditions such as leukemia, anemia,
dehydration, and blood clotting can also restrict blood flow to the brain (Murphy & Werring,
2020). When the blood supply to the brain is reduced or
prevented altogether, the brain becomes starved for oxygen and disrupted. The
manifestation of this reduced blood flow to the brain is a stroke, regardless
of the condition that precipitated the reduction in blood flow (Murphy
& Werring, 2020).
Does a Stroke Occur?
stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, resulting in the brain
cells becoming starved for blood (Kuriakose
& Xiao, 2020). The absence of oxygen causes
brain cells to become damaged and eventually die. A minor disruption often
results in a transient ischemic attack, which is a minor form of stroke that
may produce no visible symptoms (Powers,
2020). However, the two major types of
strokes are ischemic stroke and cerebral hemorrhagic stroke. An ischemic stroke
results from a blockage of the brain, often caused by a blood clot or other
blockages, such as an accumulation of fatty deposits within the brain's blood
vessels (Powers,
2020). Fatty deposits are stiff and
rigid, preventing blood flow altogether (Viedma-Guiard
et al., 2021). The disruption can result from
blockages inside the brain or in another part of the body, such as an embolism (Viedma-Guiard
et al., 2021). Common blockages tend to
originate in the heart and neck's blood vessels. Fat granules within the heart
can be released into the bloodstream; at this point, they can become stuck
inside one of the blood vessels carrying blood to the brain, stopping or inhibiting
blood flow (Murphy & Werring, 2020).
cerebral hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel inside the brain
ruptures entirely, often due to a buildup of pressure caused by a blockage (Alsbrook
et al., 2023). The result of a cerebral
hemorrhagic stroke is uncontrolled bleeding in the brain, which generally makes
this form of stroke potentially more catastrophic (Montano et al., 2021). The
majority of strokes are ischemic strokes, although an ischemic stroke can also
cause catastrophic damage to the brain if not treated immediately (Madsen
et al., 2020).
human brain is like a map that consists of different regions. Each region is
responsible for a different aspect of the brain's functioning. Depending on the
brain region affected by a stroke, different symptoms might occur (Joy
& Carmichael, 2021). Additionally, the symptoms will
depend on the size of the blockage or disruption and the region of the brain
vessel where the disruption occurs (Griffis
et al., 2020).
initial symptoms of a stroke can include a tingling sensation caused by
elevated blood pressure, muscle weakness, sluggish movements, and general
forgetfulness (Mendelson
& Prabhakaran, 2021). These symptoms can be overlooked
as symptomatic of a stroke. However, symptoms can also escalate in severity,
with a partial or complete loss of vision; difficulties moving the eyes;
difficulties with speaking or understanding speech; movement impairments and
loss of balance; loss of bladder function; and possibly a coma, particularly
for those experiencing a hemorrhagic stroke (Mendelson
& Prabhakaran, 2021). Strokes can also cause partial
paralysis, typically occurring on one side of the body (Mizuta
et al., 2020). If a blockage or rupture occurs
in the brain's left hemisphere, the symptoms will appear on the right side of
the body (Mizuta
et al., 2020). For instance, a person
experiencing a stroke that originates in the left hemisphere of their brain may
have difficulty moving their right arm or right leg. Conversely, a person
experiencing a stroke that originates in the right hemisphere might show symptoms
of paralysis in the left side of the body.
an ischemic stroke, the patient will often retain consciousness (Alsbrook
et al., 2023). During a hemorrhagic stroke,
which occurs when a brain vessel is ruptured, the patient will often lose
consciousness (Viderman
et al., 2020). Coma can also result from a
hemorrhagic stroke (Viderman
et al., 2020).
Signs and Indicators
conditions can indicate that a stroke is imminent. Everyday hand movements and
gestures can become more complex, which might be revealed if one suddenly has
difficulty with writing due to a loss of dexterity in the fingers (Soto-C�mara
et al., 2020). A signature that suddenly
becomes messy, difficulties combing hair, challenges with using buttons and
snaps on clothing, and difficulty tying shoelaces can all indicate that a
stroke is imminent (Soto-C�mara
et al., 2020). Additional symptoms include
unexplained dizziness, frequent forgetfulness, insomnia, excessive snoring,
delirious thoughts, and shortness of breath (Khalil
& Lahoud, 2020). Although each of these symptoms
can be attributed to a range of different conditions, the sudden emergence of
these symptoms as a cluster is generally a warning sign of an imminent stroke.
risk factors can contribute to the onset of an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
First, those who have had a heart attack or stroke previously are more likely
to experience a stroke, as even if they have recovered from the initial
incident, their cardiovascular system is still most likely compromised to some
degree (Feske,
2021). Second, those with high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, and a hardening of the arteries are also at
increased risk of stroke, as well as an increased risk of a cardiac event (Hankey,
smoking, and obesity can also increase the risk of stroke (Hankey,
2020). Those with diabetes often have
elevated blood sugar levels, which in turn contributes to the accumulation of
fatty deposits while simultaneously constricting blood vessels. Smoking can
weaken blood vessels, elevate blood pressure, and trigger the formation of
clots. Obesity contributes to the buildup of fatty deposits that can also
create blockages (Hankey,
aged 65 and older are also at increased risk of stroke, while men are 30% more
likely to experience a stroke than women (Carcel
et al., 2020). In addition, those who have had
episodes of atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias are at increased risk due to a
tendency to have more blood clots, as are those with elevated red blood cell
counts, as elevated red blood cells, correlate with increased blood thickness,
contributing to the likelihood of a clot (Soto-C�mara
et al., 2020). Finally, anyone with a family
history of stroke is also at increased risk (Marini
et al., 2020). In sum, the risk factors for
stroke are:
with a history of strokes or heart attack
with high blood pressure and high cholesterol
(Type I and II), smoking, and obesity
aged 65+
with a history of atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias
with an elevated red blood cell count
family history of stroke.
risk factors can prevent stroke, especially for those at risk (Hankey,
2020). If the risk factors are
mitigated and blood flow to the brain remains healthy, then the risk of stroke
is drastically reduced. The one exception is the risk factor associated with
age, as aging can naturally contribute to blood pressure fluctuations (Hankey,
2020). Advanced age can also cause the
brain�s blood vessels to close suddenly due to prolonged and constant stress on
the vessel (Khalil
& Lahoud, 2020). Several medications used to
treat high blood pressure can also result in a stroke, which occurs when there
is an overdose of high blood pressure medication that causes blood pressure to
drop dramatically (Murphy & Werring, 2020). In these instances, the stoppage
of blood flow to the brain is attributed to weak blood pressure. Thus, even if
other risk factors are controlled, an overdose of blood pressure medication can
suddenly induce a stroke, even if no other risk factors are present. As such,
the risk factors contributing to strokes can be controlled to some degree via
healthy diet and exercise, as these help one manage blood pressure naturally.
However, the risk factors cannot be subverted entirely, particularly as one
advances in age (Hankey,
Cells as a Stroke Therapy
Stem cells are cells generated within tissues, such as fat tissue
and bone marrow tissue, that are used to eventually replace cells that have
died or been damaged (Guan et al., 2022). Stem cells can develop into various mature cells, such as nerve
cells, heart muscle cells, skeletal cells, pancreatic cells, and so forth (Guan et al., 2022). Once matured, stem cells can replicate and regenerate
themselves, creating new copies of themselves via cell division. In theory,
stem cells can rejuvenate cellular growth throughout the body, rejuvenating
organs that have been damaged over time (Kimbrel & Lanza, 2020).
The case study
included five patients with Type 2 diabetes and elevated cholesterol levels
(hypercholesterol) who previously experienced a stroke, resulting in side
effects that included difficulty walking, frequent headaches, weak muscles,
dragging movements, feelings of numbness in the extremities like hands and
feet, fatigue, forgetfulness, and negative/poor disposition. The patients
ranged between 53 and 72 years of age. Four of the patients were male, while
one of the patients was female. Each patient was treated with two rounds of
quantum stem cell therapy.
Patient data was collected regularly and
recorded in a notation book that included personal data and medical history.
Each of the patients volunteered for stem cell therapy. Even though stem cells
can be utilized for many different medical conditions, they have yet to become
standardized as a primary treatment method. As such, each patient who undergoes
stem cell therapy deliberately chooses stem cell therapy instead of traditional
therapies or in conjunction with traditional therapies. In this case study,
patients underwent hormonal therapy and lifestyle modifications, such as
changing diet and exercise routines.
Patients were treated with living stem cells
maintained and cared for in the CELLTECH Stem Cell and Banking Laboratory. The
stem cells were stored in a cryo-tank at a temperature of -1900 Celsius (190
degrees below the freezing point), which is carried out by either a
"closed system" or an "open system." The closed system runs
independently from human operation and is entirely automated, while the open
system uses human operators to adjust processes as necessary. The closed system
is also referred to as a quantum process. It is considered more efficient and
sterile than the open system, as it operates automatically in an isolated
system separated from human interventions. The CELLTECH Stem Cell and Banking
Laboratory owns each system.
The main concentration of stem cells was
sourced from umbilical cords and umbilical cord blood. The stem cells were
stored in vials containing 20 million cells or more. The provision of stem
cells for therapeutic use depends on the type and severity of the disease, as
this determines the quantity of stem cells required.
The dosage of stem cells is calculated by
measuring the patient's weight (in kilograms) and multiplying by a factor of
one million. For instance, the dosage for a person who weighs 70 kg is 70
million stem cells (70 x 1,000,000). The allogeneic properties of stem cells
allow replacing and restoring damaged cells in the target recovery location.
The dosage is also affected by the number of cells that have been damaged and
need to be restored. The quality of recovery depends on the dosage. For
example, a package of 20 million stem cells might have minimal effect, while a
higher dosage would be more effective for severe conditions.
Six months after each round of stem cell
therapy, patients were monitored for progress to determine the efficacy of the
treatment. The treatment used for this case study aligns with successful stem
cell treatments for diseases such as Prader-Willi syndrome, autism, and several
others. The underlying theory informing the case study is that stem cells have
regenerative properties that can rejuvenate and replace damaged cell tissues,
and because of their allogeneic properties, they can be applied to any part of
the body.
The results of the study are presented in the tables below.
Glucose levels and HbA1c (hemoglobin) levels were also measured at three
different times: 1) the baseline result before treatment, 2) the results
following the first treatment, and 3) the results following the second
Table 1 Before Quantum Stem Cell Therapy
Patient |
Age |
Sex |
Symptom |
Glucose at a given time Result 1 |
Glucose at a given time Result 2 |
Glucose at a given time Result 3 |
HbA1c |
A |
58 |
Male |
Stroke, DM type 2, Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
430 |
410 |
400 |
11,2 |
B |
70 |
Male |
DM type 2, Hypercholesterol |
400 |
310 |
300 |
10.4 |
C |
69 |
Male |
DM� type 2
hypercholesterol |
330 |
290 |
280 |
10,5 |
D |
72 |
Female |
DM anemia hyper cholesterol |
300 |
250 |
230 |
11 |
E |
53 |
Male |
DM type 2 Hypercholesterol |
450 |
410 |
380 |
12,5 |
Table 2 After Quantum Stem Cell Therapy 1
Patient |
Age |
Sex |
Symptom |
at a given time Result
1 |
at a given time Result
2 |
HbA1c |
A |
58 |
Male |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
300 |
180 |
7,5 |
B |
70 |
Male |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
210 |
110 |
7,1 |
C |
69 |
Male |
DM Type 2 anemia, Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
160 |
115 |
6,5 |
D |
72 |
Female |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
150 |
155 |
8 |
E |
53 |
Male |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol |
220 |
200 |
7,2 |
Table 3 After Quantum Stem Cell Therapy 2
Patient |
Age |
Sex |
Symptom |
Glucose at a given time Result 1 |
Glucose at a given time Result 2 |
HbA1c |
A |
58 |
Male |
Stroke |
140 |
120 |
6,2 |
B |
70 |
Male |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
160 |
155 |
5,7 |
C |
69 |
Male |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
115 |
110 |
5,8 |
D |
72 |
Female |
DM Type 2, anemia,�
Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
96 |
90 |
5,4 |
E |
53 |
Male |
DM Type 2 Hypercholesterol, hypertension |
170 |
120 |
5,9 |
Each of the five patients showed a
reduction in glucose and HbA1c. For instance, Patient A, a 58-year-old male
with Type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterol, hypertension, and previous experience
with a stroke, initially presented with a glucose level of 430. After the first
round of quantum stem cell therapy, the same patient presented a glucose level
of 300, which was reduced even further to 140 following the second round. HbA1c
levels dropped from 11.2 to 6.2 following the second round of quantum cell
therapy. These results were consistent among all patients, showing drastic
reductions in glucose levels and HbA1c across the board. Thus, the treatment
proved effective in patients between and ofle, revealing improvements in both
male and female patients. The study also reveals that the patients improved
further following a second round of stem cell therapy.
Each patient
reported improved symptoms associated with stroke, including improvements in
mobility and feelings of increased strength. Those with mobile impairments
requiring the assistance of a wheelchair or walking cane also reported
improvements in their mobile functioning as they reduced their reliance on
additional mobility assistance. Blood glucose levels were also normalized after
the second quantum stem cell therapy round. At the same time, all patients
reported improved mood, increased activity, and overall quality of life.
Quantum stem cell therapy shows
considerable promise regarding its ability to treat those who have experienced
a stroke with a history of diabetes type 2. All the symptoms in these
post-stroke patients include muscle weakness, fatigue, difficulty walking,
numbness, difficulty speaking clearly, and mood changes, which in turn were
caused by damage to brain cells when the stroke initially occurred. Based on
the descriptive qualitative research method with case study and research
criteria, comparative literature study, and according to the laboratory results
of the patient from the qualified and certified laboratory on five patients
between the ages of 53 and 72, two reported increased mobility and improved
mood following the stem cell treatments, with some patients able to regain
mobile functioning that had been impaired since the initial stroke. These
results suggest that quantum stem cell therapy has a miraculous ability to
rejuvenate cells that were damaged during a stroke and also improve pancreatic
cells, which show a lower blood sugar. All patients show improvement in the
ability to walk, a better mood, muscle strength, and a better lifestyle. The
main limitation of the study is the small sample size. As such, future research
suggests that expanding the sample size and conducting a more widespread study
would help corroborate the initial study's results. Based on the results
provided, quantum stem cell therapy appears to be highly promising for its
ability to treat stroke victims and improve their quality of life.
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