Sopyan Faisal1*, Sulistianingsih2, Rizqi Isnaeni Fajri3, Taufik Ridwan4

1234IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected], [email protected]4






Education at the high school level aims to prepare students who will continue their education to a higher level, as well as prepare students who will immediately work when they have completed high school education. Experience in the field shows that there are still many MAN 2 Cirebon students who are still confused about choosing a major or study program to enter in higher education, especially for class XII students. Students make career plans based only on their will and desire without considering their abilities, there are even some students who leave career choices to their peers or other people. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and provision of career information services in choosing majors in higher education at MAN 2 Cirebon and the factors that became obstacles in these services. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. This study relies on the accuracy of data collection to obtain valid research results. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation of the implementation of career information services in choosing majors in higher education at MAN 2 Cirebon. The validity of the data uses data triangulation. Based on the research that has been done, it is found that the implementation of career information services in choosing a major in higher education at MAN 2 Cirebon is very useful and has an effect on students' interest in continuing to college. This can be seen from the data of students who are accepted into universities from year to year which has increased quite a bit. The implementation of career information services in choosing majors in higher education at MAN 2 Cirebon makes researchers pay special attention so that researchers conduct research by taking that title.






information service; career; college

Corresponding Author: Sopyan Faisal

E-mail: [email protected]







Guidance and counseling comes from English, namely from the words guidance and counseling. Then translated and developed by many experts according to their respective studies, some of the opinions of experts regarding the meaning of "Guidance" and "Counseling" are as follows:

Guidance can be defined as a process of providing assistance to individuals which is carried out on an ongoing basis, so that the individual can understand himself, so that he is able to direct himself and can act naturally, in accordance with the demands and circumstances of the school, family, community and life in general. Guidance helps individuals achieve optimal self-development as social beings.

Counseling is an effort to help that is carried out face-to-face or face-to-face between the counselor and the counselee which contains a harmonious, unique, human effort, which is carried out in an atmosphere of expertise and based on applicable norms, so that the counselee obtains the concept of self-confidence and self-confidence in improving their current and possible behavior in the future. Counseling guidance is an integral part of very important aspect of education in Indonesia in an effort to help students achieve optimal development, in accordance with its potential (Deni, 2011). Quality education is an activity that integrates three main areas of activity in a synergy, namely the administrative and leadership fields, the instructional and curricular fields, and the student development fields (guidance and counseling) (Santoso, 2021).

Guidance and counseling also play an important role in advancing better education, because Guidance and Counseling have four service areas that can help students to be able to optimize the potential that exists within these students (Azam, 2016).

Guidance and counseling is not a learning activity in the context of a teaching scene that is appropriate for a teacher to learn in a field of study, but an expert service in the context of making students independent (Bimbingan & Indonesia, 2007b).

Therefore, guidance and counseling is an expert service by counselors (guidance and counseling teachers). Counselors are one of the educational qualifications, namely educational staff, namely educational staff who have a specialty in the field of guidance and counseling, who participate in providing education (Azam, 2016).

According to (Hikmawati, 2016) there are four areas of guidance and counseling services, namely: guidance and counseling academic (learning), personal guidance and counseling, social guidance and counseling, career guidance, and counseling. Guidance and counseling play an important role in the success of a better world of education, to create all these things, of course, in the implementation of these services, a good management system must be in place. In the implementation of guidance and counseling services in schools, it is necessary to optimize them properly, related to the four service areas. According to (Anwar, 2019) there are seven types of services consisting orientation services, information services, placement and distribution services, learning services, individual counseling services, group guidance services, group counseling services. In line with this (Anwar, 2019) also stated that there are five plans for supporting guidance and counseling activities consisting of instrument applications, sets data, case conferences, home visits, case transfers. Support services, because the implementation of all guidance and counseling service programs able to help students in solving problems can also develop the potential of these students. But not infrequently there are still schools that have not run all types of Guidance and Counseling Services. This can be caused by several things, namely time constraints, and the lack of existing infrastructure in schools, besides the success of the implementation of guidance and counseling services can also be seen from the intensity of the implementation of each type of service in each school.

Then the types of counseling guidance services are divided into nine services including: (1) Orientation services, orientation services are guidance services carried out to introduce new students and/or someone to the new environment they enter. (2) Information service, is a service that provides understanding to interested individuals about various things needed to carry out a task or activity, or to determine the direction of a desired goal or plan. (3) Placement and distribution services, namely guidance and counseling services that enable students to obtain appropriate placement and distribution according to their talents and interests (Ketut Sukardi & Kusmawati, 2008). (4) Content mastery services, are guidance and counseling services that enable students to develop themselves with regard to good study attitudes and habits, learning materials that match the speed and difficulty of learning (Supriyo, 2010). (5) individual counseling services, (6) group guidance and group counseling services, (7) consulting services, (8) mediation services and (9) advocacy services. Information services are counseling guidance services that allow students (counselees) receive and understand various information (such as educational information and job information) that can be used as consideration and decision making for the benefit of students (counselees) (Prayitno & Amti, 2004). The need for information for individuals is increasingly important given the usefulness of information as a reference for attitude and behavior. Behave in daily life, as a consideration as a direction for self-development and as a basis for decision making a decision. The intended use is also related to the existence of various opportunities in the surrounding community, a stronger community, and the global community. Without sufficient information individuals will not be able to fill the opportunities that exist. Choosing the wrong school, choosing the wrong job, are often the result of a lack of information.

The implementation and success of guidance and counseling services are largely determined by the realization of the following principles, namely: First, the principle of confidentiality, namely the principle of guidance and counseling that demands the confidentiality of all data and information about the counselee (counselee) who is the target of the service, namely data or information that should not and should not be known by others. In this case, the supervising teacher is fully obliged to maintain and safeguard all the data and information so that their confidentiality is truly guaranteed.

Second, is the principle of volunteerism, namely the principle of guidance and counseling that requires the counselee's liking and willingness to follow or undergo the services/activities needed for him. In this case, the supervising teacher is obliged to foster and develop this volunteerism.

Third, the principle of openness, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires the counselee (counselee) who is the target of services/activities to be open and not pretending, both in providing information about himself and in receiving useful information and materials from outside. for his own development. In this case, the supervising teacher has the obligation to develop the openness of the counselee (counselee). This openness is closely related to the implementation of the principle of confidentiality and the existence of volunteerism on the part of the counselee who is the target of the service/activity. In order for the counselee to be open, the supervising teacher must first be open and not pretend.

Fourth, is the principle of activity, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires the counselee (counselee) who is the target of the service to participate actively in the provision of services/guidance activities. In this case, the supervising teacher needs to encourage the counselee to be active in every guidance and counseling service/activity that is intended for him.

Fifth, the principle of independence, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which refers to the general purpose of guidance and counseling, namely: the counselee (counselee) as the target of guidance and counseling services are expected to become independent counselees with the characteristics of knowing and accepting themselves and their environment, able to make decisions, direct and realize themselves. The supervising teacher should be able to direct all the guidance and counseling services he organizes for the development of the counselee's independence.

Sixth, the Current Principle, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires that the target object of guidance and counseling services is the problem of the counselee (counselee) in his current condition. Services related to �the future or any past conditions� are seen as having an impact and/or relation to existing conditions and what is being done now.

Seventh, the principle of dynamism, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires that the content of the service to the service target (the counselee) who has the same will always move forward, is not monotonous, and continues to grow and is sustainable according to the needs and stages of development from time to time.

Eighth is the principle of integration, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires that various guidance and counseling services and activities, whether carried out by supervising teachers or other parties, are mutually supportive, harmonious, and integrated. For this, the cooperation between the supervising teacher and the parties who play a role in the implementation of guidance and counseling services needs to be developed. The coordination of all guidance and counseling services/activities must be carried out as well as possible.

Ninth is the principle of harmony, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires that all guidance and counseling services and activities be based on and should not conflict with existing values ​​and norms, namely religious values ​​and norms, laws and regulations, customs, science, and prevailing custom. It is not a guidance and counseling service or activity that can be accounted for if its content and implementation are not based on the intended values ​​and norms. Furthermore, guidance and counseling services and activities must be able to increase the ability of the counselee (counselee) to understand, appreciate, and practice these values ​​and norms.

The tenth is the principle of expertise, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires that the services and activities of guidance and counseling be held on the basis of professional principles. In this case, the implementers of guidance and counseling services and activities should be personnel who are truly experts in the field of guidance and counseling. The professionalism of the supervising teacher must be realized both in the implementation of the types of services and activities and counseling as well as in the enforcement of the guidance and counseling code of ethics.

Eleventh, the principle of Transfer of Hands Case, namely the principle of guidance and counseling which requires parties who are unable to provide guidance and counseling services appropriately and thoroughly on a counselee problem (counselee) to transfer the problem to a more expert party. The supervising teacher can accept cases from parents, other teachers, or other experts; and similarly, supervising teachers can transfer cases to subject/practice teachers and others (Bimbingan & Indonesia, 2007a).

Therefore, information services try to meet the individual's lack of information they need. In this service, service participants are provided with various information. The information is then processed and used by individuals for the benefit of life and development. Information services are organized by counselors followed by one or more participants.



This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The phenomenological approach is related to the understanding of the participants' daily life and the intersubjective world (world of life). Phenomenological research tries to explain or reveal the meaning of concepts or phenomena of experience based on awareness that occurs in several individuals. Phenomenology is carried out in natural situations, so that there are no limitations in coercing or understanding the phenomenon under study and researchers are free to analyze the data obtained.

The phenomenological approach, according to Polkinghome in (Creswell, 2014), describes the meaning of a life experience of several people about a concept or phenomenon. People who are involved in dealing with a phenomenon explore the structure of consciousness of human life experience. According to Cribe (1986) in (Creswell, 2014) phenomenology is an approach in sociology that identifies problems from the world of meaningful sensory experience to a world full of meaningful objects, something that initially occurs in individual consciousness separately and then collectively in the interactions between consciousnesses.

The research design used is a descriptive design with a phenomenological approach. Method Descriptive is a method of studying the situation moment this is from a group a person, an object, a set of conditions, a set of thought systems, or a series of incident. The nature and relationship of the phenomena studied. Because comparative studies are studies that compare two or more different samples or one or more variables at different times, then method descriptive comparison used in this study to compare the data for doing Information Services Career in choosing a major in college at MAN 2 Cirebon.

The data obtained in this study used in-depth interviews, participant observation and some support from documentation data. Interview (interview) according to (Creswell, 2014) is a conversation that is directed at a particular problem; This is an oral question and answer process, where two or more people face each other physically. In addition, according to (Lexi J Moleong & Edisi, 2004) interviews are conversations that aim to obtain information about individuals, events, activities, feelings, motivations, concerns, can experience the world of thoughts and feelings of respondents. The purpose of conducting interviews, as emphasized by (Arikunto, 2010) are among others: Constructing about people, events, organizations, feelings, motivations, demands, concerns and others.

Observation is an observation that includes the activity of focusing on an object by using all the senses. According to (Lexy J Moleong, 2021) the participants as observers in question are researchers as observers who are not fully involved, but still perform the function of observers. In this case, the researcher becomes a pretend member, in the sense that it does not merge in the true sense.

Observation according to (Lexy J Moleong, 2007) allows researchers to feel what is felt and lived by the subject. Thus enabling the formation of knowledge that is known together, both from his side and from the subject. The advantage obtained by using the observation technique is the experience gained in depth where researchers can relate directly to research subjects.

The last is documentation which means finding sources of written data in the field relating to the problem under study. Documentation studies can be used to test, interpret and even predict (Lexy J Moleong, 2021). Search and study documents related to the provision of career services in the classroom.

In-depth interviews were conducted with all Guidance and Counseling teachers at MAN 2 Cirebon, then secondary data was obtained for several students in each class, besides that a statement from the principal was also needed to strengthen the data that had been obtained. Meanwhile, the participant observation was obtained when the BK teacher provided career services to various classes at MAN 2 Cirebon. Finally, the documentation data in the form of BK administration that already exists from the four service areas, there are personal fields, social fields, learning fields and career fields. Then the documentation data is also strengthened by video evidence of the provision of career services carried out by BK MAN 2 Cirebon teachers in the classroom.



1.       Implementation of Career Information Services in choosing a major in higher education at MAN 2 Cirebon

Guidance and counseling teachers in schools in carrying out information services follow the implementation guidelines, namely carrying out stages of activities. Among the steps being taken by the teacher guidance and counseling are with their planning activities, implementation of information services field of career development, analyzing the results of activities, evaluate, and provide reports to the principal about the results of the implementation of the services that have been provided to students.

Later in the implementation career information services, guidance and counseling teachers have previously made programs and stages of career information services in advance, this is so that later when the implementation of career information services runs smoothly and the information submitted can be received by students, especially class XII students. As explained in the previous chapter, there are several stages that must be prepared in career information services, namely the first, planning and determining the information needs that will later be conveyed to students.

As for the first step of implementing a career information service, it is extracting the widest possible information about students which will later be used as a reference in providing career information services, in extracting information from these students to be used as material for planning career information service programs, MAN 2 Cirebon has its own way, namely by holding and carrying out the entrance test to MAN 2 Cirebon and an interest aptitude test which is held at the beginning of the school year when students enroll in MAN 2 Cirebon and when they enter class 10, this aims to map out the beginning of a career information service program. which will be given, for the aptitude and interest test itself usually involves the services of a compatible and licensed psychological test agency to carry it out, from the results of the aptitude and interest test the guidance and counseling teacher will have descriptive data from all students from the beginning of grade 10 and mapping will be carried out later regarding his talents and interests as well as obstacles and problems where later this information will be used as material for the implementation of guidance and counseling services for all guidance and counseling teachers at MAN 2 Cirebon both for class X class XI and will also be used as a career information service program later in class XII.

In this case it is clear that information services can help solve one of the student's problems. If the potential in the school is used properly and optimally, it will realize the achievement of school goals. School leaders regulate and supervise all school activities, teachers, employees and others as well as cooperate. Using facilities and infrastructure as well as the potential that exists in schools to support the realization of school goals. Guidance and counseling are activities that can help students develop into independent, responsible, creative, and honest individuals. Information services have an influence on increasing students' career planning abilities. This is also reinforced by the results of an interview with one of the students, which before receiving the service, the student did not have a career plan, after 3 times the student was able to plan his career. Students are able to plan secondary school and work that suits them. In this case, the better the information services provided, the more students' career planning abilities will increase.

BK teachers at MAN 2 Cirebon are able to invite students to be more responsive in finding the information they need related to career guidance, BK teachers have also tried to convey information related to career guidance well to students at MAN 2 Cirebon. Support from the school provided to BK teachers for the implementation of information services in providing career guidance to students by providing the needs needed in implementation, for example, providing career websites or videos related to better careers so that students are interested in viewing information uploaded to MAN 2 Cirebon on its YouTube, besides that the school also provides quotas or data packages for students who need it so that online learning continues to run well and access to BK services can also be viewed at each student's home.

In addition to career information services that BK teachers provide to class XII students, at MAN 2 Cirebon the guidance and counseling teacher also provides individual counseling services for MAN Model students who have problems with career planning and other problems, for those who have problems with career planning usually students themselves meet the guidance and counseling teacher, but if they have other problems, both regarding school rules and learning achievement, the guidance and counseling teacher will call them into the BK room. So guidance and counseling teachers do not only focus on providing career information services, but also focus on serving and providing individual guidance and group guidance as well as students who have problems with their talents, interests and careers.


2.       Inhibiting factors for the implementation of career information services in choosing a major in higher education at MAN 2 Cirebon

Different from previous years, the obstacles or problems faced in the implementation of career information services in the last two years apart from those coming from the students themselves are now also constrained by the existence of the outbreak of the covid-19 virus disease pandemic which has spread to almost all countries for approximately two years running until now, this has resulted in all activities that are mass gatherings or activities that are very limited in order to break the chain of the spread of the covid-19 outbreak.

Because of this, the implementation of career information services at MAN 2 Cirebon has also been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, where the frequency of classical services to classes has been limited for the past two years by the number of students per class, namely by using a schedule that was previously made. Where each face-to-face activity in class is limited to only 50% of the number of students per class, this means that not all students can take part in counseling service activities in class at the same time, but are divided into 2 counseling information services with different days and times. with the composition of the number of students only 50% of the total students in one class. In MAN 2 the KBM process during the covid-19 pandemic uses time allocation for teaching and learning activities from 08.00 to 12.00 with the composition of the number of students per class is only 50% of the total number, meaning that the rest of the students will take part in teaching and learning activities later in the following week according to given schedule. In addition to face-to-face learning activities, it is also carried out with an online system or online learning, here the counseling guidance teacher also follows an online learning system in providing career information services to class XII students, the media used for classical services uses google meet, and zoom meetings, while information services that are notification or other information use social media in the form of Facebook, WhatsApp groups and Instagram.



Based on the results of research conducted at MAN 2 Cirebon, the authors conclude several conclusions and also suggestions related to the research that the author has done, namely:

1.       Guidance and counseling teachers provide several career guidance programs to class XII students of MAN 2 Cirebon including:

a.       Information on the majors available at the university,

b.       Talent and interest tests are carried out when students register at MAN 2 Cirebon, so when students start entering class X they have chosen their major and the guidance and counseling teacher also has data on the talents and interests of these students since they became class X students.

c.       Motivating students to be more active and active with the choice of majors they choose when entering MAN 2 Cirebon. Motivation is needed for the implementation of BK service programs in schools, both intrinsic motivation that comes from within students, or extrinsic motivation obtained through the environment such as family, friends and other social relationships.

2.       Guidance and counseling teachers at MAN 2 Cirebon provide career information services with several implementation methods including:

a.       Large class classical services, for example, are located in the school hall or in the open field by bringing in resource persons from universities or can also be carried out by the guidance and counseling teachers themselves.

b.       Providing classical career information services in the classroom, also providing group guidance services according to the talents and interests of the students they have chosen when registering at MAN 2 Cirebon, while the implementation of career information services itself is by using the lesson hours that have been previously allocated by the Head school through waka curriculum. So the guidance and counseling teacher at MAN 2 Cirebon in carrying out career information services has been given a separate time allocation by the school, where the implementation continues to use the previously coordinated teacher lesson hours. In addition, the delivery of information services is also delivered by guidance and counseling teachers through social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp groups and also Facebook so that the information is conveyed to students more quickly.

c.       Third: the implementation of Univ Day activities which are usually held every year, but for the past two years due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the activity has been cancelled.

3.       The obstacles faced by guidance and counseling teachers in implementing career information services to class XII students are as follows,

a.       The Covid-19 pandemic period, which has now been running for almost two years, has become the main obstacle in career information service activities because any crowding activities both indoors and outdoors are strictly limited by very strict health protocols. This makes guidance and counseling teachers have to be good at making more accurate strategies so that the implementation of this career information service is conveyed to students. Among the strategies carried out by the guidance and counseling teacher at MAN 2 Cirebon in a COVID-19 pandemic situation like this is the use of social media both Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook, as well as a shift system or face-to-face schedule arrangement for career information service activities that are directly given to students.

b.       From the students themselves, sometimes there are still some students who are still lazy in participating in the career information services that the counseling teacher provides. This makes guidance and counseling teachers continue to motivate their students to be more active and active in choosing the majors they chose when they entered class X.





































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