Edmundus B. Ngenget

Universitas Nusantara Manado


[email protected]


Received: 25-06-2022�������������������� ��������������� Accepted: 03-07-2022���������������������� ��������������� Published: 23-07-2022������



Globalization is a necessity that cannot be avoided, as well as the rapid flow of technology. So, people must be able to react wisely. This is because, if people are not digital literate and blind to digital literacy, the easy situation will actually become a boomerang for themselves and others, such as the occurrence of various crime cases in online and offline media. Digital literacy is predicted to be able to overcome problems regarding various ignorance in utilizing digital which of course affects various aspects. For this reason, the researcher wants to find out more about the transformation of social behavior in society through digital implementation. The method used is descriptive quantitative by selecting respondents through purpose sampling which is adjusted to the research objectives, then the process of obtaining data using surveys which are distributed to all respondents. In addition to surveys, observation and interviews are also used to increase the validity of the research results. The results of the study show that the transformation of social behavior goes from bad to better which is seen from the mindset and culture and then forms social behavior in the community that seems to have changed. Where they can think more critically, improve the quality of culture and not be careless when they behave, they also help to harmonize society through the social behavior displayed.


Keyword: Transformation, Social Behavior, and Digital Literacy.


Corresponding Author: Edmundus B. Ngenget

E-mail: [email protected]



Globalization is a current that has been going on for a long time in the world (Ginting et al., 2021), one of which is through the increasingly rapid development of information technology (Arianto, 2021) so that various tools appear that can accelerate the delivery of information from one country to another countries. The acceleration controlled by the internet is one of the characteristics of the industrial revolution (Dinata, 2021) which is widely used by mankind to fulfill their needs. Unfortunately, the speed of this technology is not always put to good use, sometimes there are some parties who use it for wrong personal interests.

Increasingly massive social media users where 85% of the Indonesian population have joined (Silvana & Darmawan, 2018) which proves that the IT capabilities of the Indonesian people, both young and old, have begun to spread to competent abilities. So, it is not surprising that various foreign cultures can enter easily and quickly in Indonesian society.

This is evidenced by the existence of several cases, such as divorce, theft, robbery, promiscuity, drug use and so on, where all of these things are easy to find, accessed and even done through social media or internet networks that are so broad and easy to use (Rusdy, 2021).

This is an indication that various social behaviors that change in society are the result of undirected technological developments, so that many people have not been able to respond wisely. Like the case of cyber bullying which is often found on social media where the victims have a trauma effect in the real world even though it is done through cyberspace even the perpetrators do not know the victim directly.

It doesn't stop here, with the internet, it is expected to be able to improve students' understanding of learning, unfortunately it is used to find exact answers without using a long process so that many students only know without understanding the process of finding out and underestimating the learning process that should be done carefully, in other words the internet is one thing that is used for everything (Savitri, 2019).

Technological developments also have an impact on the process of social interaction that occurs in society so that it is able to change social behavior, both from children and even adults. The family as the first educational institution to shape children's social behavior (Makagingge et al., 2019) is often indifferent, so that children's social behavior becomes distorted and carried over to adulthood.

Therefore, the ability to use digital or what is commonly referred to as digital literacy (Muslimin & Idul, 2020) is important to form a society that is literate towards the correct use of digital (Fitriyani & Nugroho, 2022), given the increasing internet users in the community (Muhtar Mochamad Solihin, 2021).

The correct use of technology will certainly have a big impact on the community so that they are able to lead a better life with such a fast flow of information (Anggraini & Supriyanto, 2019). The other is social behavior that cannot be avoided by human beings as a zoon politicon.

Moreover, we already know that there are many people who have not been able to filter information properly so that hoax news is used as a reference in making decisions (Nurhayati & Falah, 2020), the mixing of cultures is rampant without filtering which ones are suitable with Indonesian culture, and so on that can cause discomfort in interacting with each other. This can trigger conflicts such as civil wars, conflicts between groups, and various other things that endanger oneself, others, the state, and religion.

Once the dangers of the influence of technology without being accompanied by awareness when using it, then the implementation of digital litteration is crucial. Therefore, researchers want to find out more about the transformation of social behavior in society through the implementation of digital literacy. The purpose of this study is to determine the changes in social behavior that occur in the community after digital literacy is implemented so that it can be used as a reference for the government in making policies as well as a source of thought for future research.



This study uses a descriptive quantitative type through survey methods in the data collection process as well as through observation and interviews to obtain valid data.

Descriptive quantitative is a type of research by presenting various facts through numbers which will then be explained with descriptions so that readers can understand them more easily (Salim, 2019).

The selection of respondents used sampling purposes, namely how to select respondents in accordance with the research objectives. The respondents that the researchers used were 20 people and spread across various regions of Indonesia. After the data is obtained, it will be processed with sharp analysis and then submitted in the form of a report.

Analysis of survey results using the following Likert scale:


Table 1. Likert scale








Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree



Based on the answers from the respondents, calculations will then be carried out and included in the score interpretation criteria, namely (Salim, 2019):


Table 2. Score Interpretation Criteria







Very inappropriate






Quite appropriate






Very appropriate



Digital literacy is the ability to operate technology, such as computers, gadgets, and other tools related to internet networks and technological advances. In addition to having the ability, people who are literate in digital literacy will also have the competence to be critical in responding to various things obtained from social media (Mustofa & Budiwati, 2019) so that they are not necessarily used as guidelines before the truth is confirmed, they can also use it to improve welfare of life such as selling online, doing web business, and so on.

It is undeniable that the implementation of digital literacy has various positive impacts in society, one of which is the social behavior of the community which is referred to as the transformation of social behavior.

The transformation of social behavior is a change in the form, nature or character in the interaction between one person and another due to several factors, one of which is technology. Where technology can provide changes to several social aspects such as mindset and culture that will shape a behavior (Mahmuddin, 2017).

Like this research, it will examine several things that are included in the transformation of social behavior, namely mindset and culture as well as behavior.

1.    Mindset Transformation through Digital Literacy Implementation

Before digital literacy was promoted, where many people received information without knowing the truth, which then turned to a critical attitude of society, it certainly made the mindset shift, from being conservative to being more open to changing times. As the following research results:


Table 3. Data on the Relationship Between Mindset and Digital Literacy







Before implementing digital literacy, it seems that all news or information received through the media is the truth




Digital literacy increases critical thinking power to examine a variety of information received




Digital literacy opens the mind to be more assertive with the changes that exist


Very appropriate


Digital literacy increases creative thinking power in solving various problems




Based on the data above, it is known that digital literacy provides a change in the mindset that will become the basis for carrying out various behaviors in the community as social behavior. The data states that prior to digital literacy, the majority of respondents felt that information received through the media even though the truth was not clear was considered correct information. This aspect gets a percentage of 65% with appropriate information. Meanwhile, in the aspect of digital literacy, it can increase critical thinking power in analyzing various information received, which has reached a percentage of 75% with the appropriate criteria. This means that digital literacy helps people to be literate to a variety of information and is critical in responding to it so that they are not trapped in wrong thoughts.

While the digital literacy aspect is able to form an assertive mind, namely a mind that is not conservative and ready for changes to get a percentage of 82% with very suitable criteria and aspects of increasing creative thinking power in solving a problem get a score of 78% with very suitable criteria.

With this, it can be understood that digital literacy is able to provide a change in mindset for the community so as to create a smart, alert, critical and creative society in using digital media. As the results of observations and interviews with researchers, the majority of respondents feel that their mindset has become more open after being able to use digital properly.

2.    Cultural Transformation through the Implementation of Digital Literacy

Culture is the study of a habit, custom that is carried out in ethnicity, religion, or other parts that become a culture and is preserved from generation to generation. In the aspect of digital literacy culture, it certainly has an influence because other cultures and Indonesia are easy to mix through internet networks. Based on the results of the study, it is known the following data:


Table 4. Data on Cultural Transformation through Digital Literacy







Before getting to know digital literacy, your culture was not known by many people.


Very appropriate


Digital literacy has a good influence in improving the quality of culture such as dance.




Digital literacy facilitates cultural access for each region so that it is known throughout the world




Digital literacy increases the power of creativity in managing their own culture.




Digital literacy does not prevent us from doing worship as directed.


Very appropriate


The results show that the implementation of digital literacy can change the culture in Indonesia. By changing culture, it will affect social behavior that occurs in society. Research data shows that before digital literacy was implemented many cultures were confined, not known by the wider community as a result, these cultures could not develop in the presence of global values. This aspect obtained a score of 82% with the criteria of strongly agree. The aspect of influence in the art of dance referred to in the questionnaire is the elements of music and dance movements, which previously only had traditional choices, but developed into modern and even a mixture of the two. The results of the interview stated that, even though there are modern elements in dance such as music or movements, it still does not eliminate the characteristics that have been contained in it, so that at first dance was considered mediocre and was able to provide a new breakthrough to increase competitiveness. This aspect gets a score of 75% with the appropriate criteria.

Meanwhile, in the aspect of easy access to culture, the score is 80% with the appropriate criteria, because through digital literacy and technology, everyone from all over the world can understand the various cultures that exist. In the aspect of increasing the power of creativity in managing culture, they get a score of 78% with the appropriate criteria because through digital literacy they are able to find inspiration to increase their cultural value in the eyes of the world.

It does not stop here, in the aspect of worship barriers, by understanding digital literacy, you can still practice worship without barriers as it should without any elements of intolerance. This aspect gets a score of 82% with very suitable criteria.

Thus, it can be seen that cultural transformation has a positive direction because the mindset has changed, so the way of looking at a problem and looking for opportunities is even more critical so that the initially conservative culture becomes willing to be open to changing times.

3.    Transformation of social behavior through the Implementation of Digital Literacy

Social behavior is an activity carried out in the community. At first, many people were indifferent after holding gadgets and did not care about their surroundings because they felt that their world was only contained in gadgets. However, with digital literacy they become more aware of the importance of socializing in the midst of the onslaught of sophisticated technology. As the following data:


Table 5. Behavioral Transformation Data through Digital Literacy Implementation







Before being skilled in digital literacy, gadgets were everything.


Very appropriate


Does not care about the various changes that occur in the environment because they only rely on gadgets to play games before being proficient in digital literacy.




Digital literacy can improve a good way of socializing.




Always smile when meeting people to strengthen brotherhood after mastering digital literacy.




Always smile when meeting people to strengthen brotherhood after mastering digital literacy.




Don't be hasty in making a decision after mastering digital literacy.




The results showed that before digital literacy appeared, many respondents were focused and fixated on playing gadgets so that they thought that gadgets were everything. As a result, he has bad social behavior and is not liked in the community. This aspect gets a score of 85% with very suitable criteria. On another aspect, there is also a statement that respondents do not care about the various changes that occur in their environment, this aspect is related to the first aspect because they think that gadgets are everything. then he gets a score of 75% with the appropriate criteria.

It does not stop here, in the aspect after digital literacy is encouraged to provide various changes in social behavior such as being able to socialize well in the community with a value of 70% and the appropriate criteria, being able to give a smile to anyone, whether friends, enemies, or relatives to strengthen brotherhood with a value of 71 % and the criteria are appropriate, then politeness also increases with a value of 75% getting the appropriate criteria and the last aspect is not behaving rashly in making a decision, so that it doesn't fall into the wrong decision with a value of 78% getting the appropriate criteria.

With this it is known that digital literacy has a positive influence on social behavior so that it can provide a transformation of behavior that was previously bad to be better, from conservative to more assertive, from reckless to being more careful, who previously did not want to know became more caring, and so forth. With this change, of course digital and technology can have a positive influence on people's welfare, reducing the risk of cyberbullying and various crimes that harm others.

This is also in line with the results of observations and interviews with respondents that they feel more assertive and able to display the best social behavior after knowing and understanding the meaning of digital literacy.



Indonesia is a country with a diverse society in terms of culture, language, religion, ethnicity, or race, so it cannot be denied that there are various differences that can be used as challenges as well as opportunities. Through digital literacy, it is hoped that the community will be able to increase their understanding of the various differences that affect their mindset, culture and social behavior. This is because digital literacy is a very close part of society, of course it can have an impact if implemented properly.

As the results of research show that the transformation of social behavior can be done through the implementation of digital literacy so that the Indonesian people become more sensitive, willing to think critically, not rashly, appreciate differences, be creative in improving the quality of culture and so on. Changes in social behavior from not good to good will have an impact on increasing the welfare of people's lives because they feel peaceful, comfortable and safe living side by side in the midst of differences and the rapid flow of globalization.



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