Analysis and Design of Student Point Systems to Improve Student Achievement using The Clustering Method


  • Ade Bani Riyan Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer LIKMI, Bandung
  • Mochamad Fikri Rifai Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer LIKMI, Bandung
  • Christina Juliane Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer LIKMI, Bandung



clustering method, student achievement, student point system


The student points system is an application for recording students' achievement and offense points. The lack of recording and dissemination of information on achievement results makes students less motivated to improve achievement, and the distribution of scholarships for outstanding students is inappropriate. To improve student achievement, an application program is needed that can record and disseminate student achievement data in real-time, accurate, and effective. So, the purpose in this study is to know and analyze the design of the student point system to improve student achievement using the clustering method. Researchers use the Clustering Method in calculating data to determine the accuracy of scholarship distribution for outstanding students. Clustering with the most achievement points is clustering 2 with 25,254 Achievement Points. The total number in the level 2 cluster is 1,797 which indicates the number is close to 2,000 or 2 which is the result of data transformation from the junior high level. The implication of clustering research on student point data is to provide useful information for the Foundation as an institution that houses schools in allocating scholarships for outstanding students. In this case, clustering 2 with the highest number of Achievement Points indicates that there is a group of students with high achievement points. By using the clustering results, the Foundation can allocate scholarships more effectively and efficiently, because it can identify outstanding students from various school levels more easily.

Author Biography

Ade Bani Riyan, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer LIKMI, Bandung

Fulltime Learner__


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How to Cite

Bani Riyan, A., Fikri Rifai, M., & Juliane, C. (2023). Analysis and Design of Student Point Systems to Improve Student Achievement using The Clustering Method. Journal of World Science, 2(3), 459–465.