The COVID-19 Hoax as an Islamic Identity Political Movement: Framing Analysis


  • Ari sulistyanto Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Saeful Mujab Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta, Indonesia



Hoax, Framing, Political Movement, Identity, development, electronic surveillance of COVID-19


The spread of hoaxes is associated with individuals or groups who secretly plan to achieve certain goals. The spread of hoaxes in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic becomes interesting when hoaxes become a medium for carrying out political movements. The purpose of this study is to uncover hoaxes as an Islamic identity political movement as a means of raising opinions and support. Framing analysis is an approach to analyze hoaxes as a political movement. The results of the study found that China was described as a source of problems from the cause of Covid-19, carrying out Islamic law as an antidote in overcoming Covid-19. This research has implications for mapping the identity politics movement through hoaxes.




How to Cite

sulistyanto, A., & Mujab, S. . (2022). The COVID-19 Hoax as an Islamic Identity Political Movement: Framing Analysis. Journal of World Science, 1(6), 382–391.